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a/n I will be writing this in first person but it's still y/n- that way when you read it you're reading it as "I" so you hopefully feel more involved. ok enjoy also please know you can change the pronouns and anything gendered to what fits for you my loves :)


My bare feet hit the cold rough cement as I ran from the chaos that broke out moments before. Sirens were blairing, car tires were screeching, and the sky was cloudy with rain falling. It was a dark night, and the rain brought a crisp cold breeze. I was heavily panting as people were screaming and running away. However most of them managed to get away fast enough, but I wasn't one of them.

A white Nissan Altima came hurdiling towards me, it was already all banged up and smoking and by the time it reached me and knocked me to the ground trapping me underneath, it was starting to catch fire. I groaned in pain as a man in an iron suit came my way and lifted the car. He and a man with a shield went to help me up as panic, and pain filled my voice.

"Wait no don't touch me!" I wasn't loud enough, when he grabbed my arm a green glow knocked them back. Pain shot through my veins and I let out a cry as it burned my skin. The man stopped himself with his shield and the other blasted himself before hitting the ground.

"So you're on their side? Should of left the car on you." The man in the suit said as he blasted me. The green glow formed a protection bubble over me and it filled me with an extreme amount of pain. I let out a pained scream and then everything was spinning. I was still on the ground, they continued to try and break through the bubble. The more they hit it the more it hurt. My feet were stained and cuts from glass, with blood and the black of the roads. My arms were bruised and my veins were now the green the bubble was. I gripped on my arms hugging myself as my messy hair fell over my face and I let my eyes close.


When I woke up, I was still in the same condition as before. My veins returned to the natural blue, and the only pain now was the glass that impailed me. I began pulling the glass out and trying to use a towel I found in the bathroom connected to the room I was in to clean off the blood that followed once the glass was removed. I then took a moment to use toilet paper to wrap the wounds. I decided to look around.

I was in a room that had a bed, and a dresser. There was a metal door that couldn't be opened from the inside. There was also a giant glass window that allowed me to see in the hallway. There were other rooms but it didn't appear to have anyone else in them. As my bandaged feet hit the cold smooth ground, I could only feel the cold of it where the toilet paper wasn't. I made my way to the dresser to see there was clothing. It was standard pure white or pure black. I grabbed a black shirt and black pants and the under garmets that were also there, and decided a shower would be best. I undid the wrapping, and threw the blood soaked paper away. I turned the water on, and as it crashed against the wall I put a towel on the ground and grabbed one for myself and hung it up. I got undressed and stepped in and allowed the warm water hit my skin. As the water ran down my back I ran my hands through my messed up hair to get it wet. I opened the shampoo and the smell filled the air, it smelled like lilac. I poured the cold substance into my hand and closed it to set it back down. I rubbed my hands together to get the soap on both hands and begand working it on the top of my head. I massaged the soap in as it bubbled with the water and ran down my back. I closed my eyes to avoid getting it in my eyes and once I couldn't feel the soap anymore I checked to make sure it was all rinsed out. I then grabbed the conditioner and it had the same smell once I opened it. I poured it onto my hand and closed it to set it back down next to the shampoo. I turned away from the water to work it into the ends of my tangled hair. some of the knots were removed by the conditioner but most of them stayed. I let it sit in my hair as I grabbed the washcloth, and the bodywash. The bodywash smelled like ocean breeze, and it overpowered the lilac scent. I poured it onto the washcloth and worked it into it as it bubbled up under the water. I washed my body and made sure my wounds were cleaned well. Once all the soap was rinsed off my body I rinsed out the conditioner. My hair was still tangled but it was more controlled. Once I stepped out and allowed the water to drop onto the towel I placed, I wrapped the towel I grabbed around my body. I put my head over the shower and ringed out the access water. Once I dried off my body I got dressed. I brushed my teeth with the toothbrush that was left there unopened and brushed through my damp tangled hair.

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