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The next morning

"Good morning y/n." FRIDAY said waking me up.

"The others left for a mission so it's just you and Loki this morning. Please be on standby in case you're needed. Thank you"

Just Loki and I? Nice. Quiet. Peaceful. No extra flirting. No Tony being fatherly overbearing. No nothing.


I was reading in my room on the beanbag in the corner when Loki walked in grabbed a book and sat on the beanbag next to me and began reading what he had grabbed.

"This is nice, isn't it?" He asked as he read.

"Mhm" I repplied without looking up.

"Hm, yeah I'll just take this.." He said as he took my book from my hands and placed a bookmark in it before shutting it and putting it back.

"What on Midgard are you doing?" I asked laughing.

"We're going to... have a bit of fun before the others need us or get back, whichever may come first." He said as he grabbed my arm and stood up getting me on my feet.

"You do realize we can't leave though, right?"

"Can't? Oh no my love, we can. We aren't exactly on the team which means we are not obligated to be there when they would like us to be. Even if it is an emergency Stark gave me a little necklace that he can contact me through. So get dressed, we're having fun." He said simply as he walked out.

"Damn, I'm letting him order me around? Psh. Nonsense. I'll just do what I please." I mumble to myself and go to lay on my bed. He walks back in and leans in the doorway.

"My my... Not listening hm?"

"You can't order me around, you aren't Tony."

"But why does Tony control you?"

"He doesn't, he's simply the only father figure I've had."

"Very well, but perhaps you could start getting ready my friend."



"No." I nodded.

"Right." He said as he grabbed one of his shirts and put it over what I was wearing and picked me up and started carrying me out of the building.


"Good Loki, Loki yes." he continued walking as I hit his back with my hands, it didn't seem to bother him.

"Would you prefer this way?" He said switching me to bridal style.

"I would prefer if you put me down, I am capable of walking." I said crossing my arms.

"Well if I put you down you must promise me you won't be running back inside."

"No promises."

"then no walking for you."

"Fine! I promise I won't run off."

"Well then I'll just hold your hand to make sure of it." He said putting me down when we got outside and grabbed my hand. As we were walking we could hear the avengers fighting, we decided to ignore it. We were in Walmart looking in the toys section at the games to see what kind of things we could do for game night. Lokis necklace started beeping.

"Stark? What is it?" Loki said holding down the necklace.

"Yeah hi I need you two kids to I don't know, do some work for once in your lives. Now!" Tony said demandingly.

"Alright alright we're on our way"

"Cool, I sent you the location. Use the necklace this time!"

"This time?" I asked Loki as we ran through the store to the exit.

"Yes, last time Stark needed me was when they met you. I didn't use the necklace for instructions hence the reason I was locked back up." He said as if it were obvious.

"Do we need to get a taxi or are we just going to run there?" I asked while running to catch up to him.

"Neither" He said pushing a button on his necklace.

"What-" He stopped me with his arm as a motorcycle pulled up in front of us. He handed me a helmate as he got on.

"Get on, put it on, and hold on." He said as he put his helmate on.

"Right..." I said hesitantly. I put it on, got on and wrapped my arms around Loki and he began speeding through the New York streets.

"Do you trust me? Decide fast Y/n"

"Yes?" I said unsure of why.

"Well then put your arms on my neck and wrap your legs around me. Quick!" He said over the wind. I did as he said and he jumped off the bike as he heald onto me. I closed my eyes shut tight and leaned against his back. He landed us on some old mattresses that were luckily for us, set out for trash. I quickly got up not wanting to get any sort of infection from them and helped Loki up.

"Well that was exciting, was it not?"

"I guess-"

"come on then, Stark seemed like he was in a lot of shit and I couldn't bare to miss it, again."


Me and Loki looked up once we turned the corner and saw Thor, Steve, Bucky, Tony, Sam, stuck in... webs? while Wanda, Nat, Bruce, Pietro, Clint and Scott were on the ground coming up with a plan.

"I reckon none of you brought bug spray?" Loki said grinning.

"Oh shut it brother and help us out."

"Very well." He said conjuring knifes and throwing them to cut them out of the web sending them all falling down being caught by Wanda's magic.

"You never said you wanted a nice landing" Loki shrugged.

"Yeah well didn't think we'd need to explain we didn't want to fall to our deaths Emo Asgardian." Tony said as he brushed some webbing off of him.

"What even happened anyway?"

"There was a spider kid" tony told me

"Spider kid?" I said just in time for this spider kid to show up.

"It's Spiderman! Get it right!" He said as he shot webs at us all. I was able to dodge it and so was Loki, the rest of the gang was doing fine too.

"Hey kid! maybe next time you'd want to wear a better suit!"

"Huh?" He said right before ripping what covered his face off after jumping into his shoulders. He fell over and I recognized him.




to be continued...

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