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going back in time for this one :) a little bit))


Odin was looking around and came across a baby, not only did he find a baby there, he found a young woman. He helped the woman and the baby, he kept the baby and would raise it as his own and let the woman live on Asgard as one of his servants. She then became pregnant when his son was two almost three. She was doing a good job raising her child who she named y/n, but she was a single mother. Y/n and Loki would play together but she had magic that she was using to hurt others. Loki and her would pull pranks on others and Odin decided it would be best to banish y/n. Lokis memory of y/n was erased and y/n's memory of Asgard and anything she knew before was also erased. She grew up on Midgard in Brooklyn New York and constantly changed families. Each time, she was sent back because no one could touch her and everytime someone ended up hurt, or killed because of it. She never had a place to call home and began living on the streets once she turned 18.  And now that you've been caught up on that lets go back to the present.


"Maybe Father will know something brother, we should go up to Asgard."

"We? No, no I don't think that's the best idea. I'm not wanted there." Loki countered.

"They don't want you here either, so let's get going shall we?" Thor said grabbing onto his brothers shoulder.

"Lady y/n, I reccomend holding onto Loki." I wrapped my arms around his waist and he put his arm around me. It felt awkward but oddly comforting finally being able to hold onto someone.

"Hemidall, bring us back." Thor said. Once he said that, a bunch of colors surrounded us and lifted us up. It scared me so I hid my face on loki and he let out a low chuckle. Once we landed, I pulled away from Loki and looked around at the beautiful sight before me.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Hemidall said as he closed what brought us through.

"Very." I said to him.

"I will let him know of your arrival." Thor nodded off to him as we started walking. Thor stopped us and turned to Loki.

"Brother, they're going to be confused if they see you not so... prisoner like so bare with me on this one.."

"No...No I am not putting those stupid-" Loki was interrupted by cuffs locking around his wrists. He looked at his hands and brought them up to show Thor while glaring at him.

"Really? Is this seriously nessasary?" Thor nodded at him as he pushed Lokis hands down. I could tell he was lying, its obvious it was because he didn't trust him. We continued walking.

"Why don't you trust him?" I asked suddenly causing Thor to stop walking again. Loki looked at me showing no emotion.

"Whatever do you mean lady y/n?" He asked nervously laughing.

"It's clear you don't trust him. You couldn't care less what everyone else thought when they saw Loki, you're just worried he would betray you again." Loki looked shocked as he turned to Thor who was rubbing the back of his neck.

"How did you figure that out Y/n?" Loki asked without emotion.

"Well.. I just got a feeling you know?" He nodded at that.

"Yes I do know that's why I asked." He said and continued walking. Thor and I also continued.


We made it to where we needed to be. Odin and Frigga, that was their names. Thor told a story about when they were younger. it was about that time when Loki knew Thor loved snakes so he turned into one, and when Thor went to pick it up he revealed it was him and then stabbed him, they were only 8. what a crazy childhood.

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