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"Peter what are you doing here?! Didn't aunt Mae tell you not to do dumb things like this?!"

"Maybe? But why are you here!?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"Hey kids, we're still here. Care to explain y/n?" Tony said as he and the rest gathered around.

"I lied" everyone gasped dramatically.

"You? Lie? I would of never guessed it!" Tony said dramatically and sarcastically.

"Shut it."

"Now explain, is it because you hang around the god of mischief too long?"

"No it's because he's my twin and I didn't want you knowing I still had family." (in this he is 18)

"You are ashamed of me!" Peter said

"I'm not ashamed of you, I just didn't want anyone to see you." I shrugged.

"Wait why not?" Tony asked.

"Because he got more of the attention from our aunt. Half the time she forgot about me. He didn't get the powers. Aunt Mae liked him more because of that. She was more in control of him. Only difference is our mother wasn't aloud to keep both of us and Odin thought he could hide that part from me but I saw it. She sent him to Midgard when he was born. Aunt Mae is one of Shields spy's. Just ask Happy Hogan, Stark. He knew all about it. Which is why he was killed last year."


"So you're telling me... this spider boy is related to you?" Tony said as he poured himself a drink.

"Yes Stark."


"I could call you either Stark, or fuck face." I told him raising an eyebrow as I  played with a butterfly knife.

"Or you could call me genius billionaire playboy philanthropist."

"In your dreams, Stark" I said clicking the k.

"Anyways, he's joining the team."

"But he tried to kill us?"

"So did you"

"That's not true! I couldn't control it. He could." I huffed.

"Look kid you'll still be my favorite." He said before taking a swig. I chuckled.

"Me? Your favorite?"

"Yeah whoelse would it be?" he said pouring more into his cup.

"I dunno, Rodgers?"

"Look, I'm not my father that was his thing." he laughed.


"You mean the one who wariths thi mother's drapes?" He said causing me to laugh.

"Mhm, god of hammers."

"No, he wouldn't even be one of them. only reason I like point break is because he can super charge my suit."

"Okay... Nat?"

"She's one of them but not the most favorite. I liked her from the start but shes more of Steve's and Banners favorite."


"Please, reindeer games isn't one of them." he said seriously.

"Why not?"

"Hello? He tried to kill everyone? Remember when I saved New York?"

"Nope, never came up." I said rolling my eyes.

Another Frost Giant // Loki x reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora