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a/n I ended up falling asleep- so that's why this is posted a little later than I wanted it to be

lokis pov:

Everyone besides Sam, was on our side. Steve soon realised there was no point in fighting over it. But he was still furious everyone blamed him. It really was his fault though. The rest of the trip was quiet, and filled with tension. The only sound was the bug man and arrow man talking about dad related things. Once we landed on the tower Steve and Sam were the first ones to get out.

"Out of all people I thought Bucky would of been on our side." Sam mumbled to Steve thinking no one heard him.

"I have super hearing, idiot." Bucky said coldly. I picked y/n's sleeping figure up and she leaned into my chest. I took her inside and placed her in her bed, and covered her with the blanket.

"My my brother, she's seemed to grow on you." Thor's voice boomed from the doorway.

"Quiet brother, do not dare to wake her." I said as I pushed him into the hallway and shut her door behind.

"What? I think it's quite cute you found someone." Thor shrugged as he messed up my hair.

"Don't you dare touch my hair again or I'll slit your throat." I told him with a knife I conjured up to his neck. He put his hands up and backed away slightly. I put the knife away when I cleared my throat. "She's just a friend, brother."

"Ha! nice joke. Anyone can see you care for her more than anything. And friends, don't look at friends the way you look at her." Thor said as he patted my shoulder and began walking with me.

"Shes the only person besides yourself who's ever treated me as if they wanted me around. Why wouldn't I care for her?" Thor's laugh filled the hall as Tony walked out while brushing his teeth.

"Hey reindeer games, Point break. Whatcha up to? not that I already have some idea." Tony said muffled by his teeth scrubbing.

"Ah, my brother here was just talking about-"

"Leaving. I was just leaving. Excuse me, Stark. I will see you later yes?" I interrupted.

"Not so fast Emo Asgardian." Tony grabbed my shoulder and stopped me as I was walking another direction. "I give you permission."

"Beg your pardon?"

"You know, to date Y/n."

"Why would I need your permission stark." I laughed.

"Duh cause she's like a daughter to me?"

y/n's pov

I woke up aching all over. I looked around my room and got out from under the blankets. I grabbed some random clothes and went to the bathroom. I took the jacket off and conjured it away, that must of confused the shit out of Loki but, oh well. I got into the shower and let the warm water hit my skin. As the water hit my cuts it kinda stung but they needed to be washed anyways. I heard a knock at my door and shouted "One moment". I finished rinsing any soap off my body and wrapped the towel around myself not thinking much of who it could of been. I opened my door and to my suprise it was Loki. He invited himself in and grabbed a book and sat on my bed reading.

"Get dressed and then join me would you?" He said as he read. I closed my door and went into the bathroom to change.

I was dressed and used my magic to completely dry off so I didn't get any water on Loki. I sat next to him and began to read. A few hours passed and we were interrupted by a knock. I shut my book and went to the door to open it. It was Bucky.

"Hey y/n I really need some advice." Bucky said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sure, um... Come on in." I said making Loki invisible and he didn't mind. "Come sit in the reading corner." he sat down and I sat next to him.

"So, I haven't really done the whole... Dating thing in a while so I don't remember what to do in a case where I like someone..." He said looking in my eyes.

"Oh? who's the lucky person?"

"Pietro.." I blinked a few times trying to comprehend it.

"You mean mr ladies man?"

"Yeah... that's the problem." He sadly said.

"Well... You just need to remind yourself he- wait is he even straight?" That made bucky question it.

"I'm... not sure?"

"You stay here, imma go ask him." I said getting up forgetting I just left him alone with the god of mischief.


"Heyyy Pietro."

"Hey princessa, what's up?" he asked looking me up and down.

"Are you- straight?" I asked awkwardly.

"No, I'm pansexual." he chuckled.

"Cool, bye." I said walking out. I heard him laugh to himself as I closed the door.

I was almost to my door when I heard bucky scream.

"Y/N!!!" Bucky screached.

"What's going on kid?" Tony asked coming out of Peters room.

"Oh it's nothing-"

"Y/N WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME LOKI WAS HERE!" Bucky screached again.

"Doesn't sound like nothing." Tony raised his eyebrows up and down earning a hit in the side.

"We only read you moron."

"Don't talk to your father that way" Tony joked acting dramatic and putting his hand over his heart.

"My bad father Stark" he smiled at that as he opened the door to my room and saw bucky hiding behind the beanbags and Loki was holding a book which only I could see. I dropped the illusion and Bucky came out from hiding and Tony left after winking at Loki for whatever reason.

"What did he say?" Bucky asked as he walked out into the hallway to get away from Loki.

"He's pan." I smiled. Bucky walked down the hallway and got excited where no one could see him, well where he thought no one would. I walked back into the room and joined Loki. I took the book and hit him lightly with it chuckling. He let out a little 'hey' of offendment. we sat back down and watched a movie instead of reading for a change.


As the movie played, Loki began to shift himself and he moved closer. I didn't mind, so I moved myself into him to help him out. his arm was around me and my head rested on his shoulder close to his chest, I breathed in his natural scent which calmed any anxiety I might of had. I was at peace, and happy in his company. I felt at home with him. Safe to say he's my happy place.

Loki cleared his throat. "Hey Y/n, may I tell you something?" He said awkwardly.

"Go for it." I smiled.

"How do you know when you're in love. Like, for you personally?" he said as he fidgeted with his fingers on his other hand.

"Well.. I guess they just... feel like home? and anything they do, even the most simple task, just makes me proud that they're able to push through whatever they may be dealing with to get it done. And, if I feel comfortable around them to be myself.. And when their smile is able to make my mood shift from the worst feeling ever, to the best. Talking to them, just seems effortless. It's so easy to talk and be judge free.. and..-" I paused realising.

"You." I said bravely.

to be continued...

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