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your pov

as I got up, a man with a blue line on his lip caught me when I began to stumble.

"hey hey hey easy there." he spoke with a cheery voice.

"who are you and where am I?" I asked.

"Ooh I like you already. such a nice voice just like Val. Anyways, I am the grandmaster. Welcome to Sakkar, the place of unwanted and unloved and lost things."

"Great, now how do I leave." He laughed.

"You can't. But since I like you so much, you have my favor."

"Favor?" I asked as he walked me inside a building.

"Yes you're one of my companions and get to not have to be food or fight."


"My undefeated champion is this big guy." He said showing me a picture of someone who was very similar to the hulk. "Okay well now you get to sit here and talk with everyone while I go see who Val just dragged in."

lokis pov

I woke up in a chair locked in place going down some weird hall thing after the girl shocked me with that disk.

"Welcome to Sakkar. where unwanted, unloved, people and things end up. Like you. But you are wanted, and you are loved by the grandmaster. He built Sakkar up on his own. Get ready to meet the grandmaster.... You are now meeting the grandmaster!"

I flinched slightly as everything cleared up. I witnessed a person being melted and it smelled like burnt toast. But then We were brought into a different room.

"is this a fighter?" The grandmaster said.

"I am no fighter. I'm a god." I said trying to get free of the chair I was in. the girl who shocked me earlier when I arrived shocked me again.

"Anyways... he seems like a fighter to me." I looked around and saw y/n.

"Hey! Y/n!" I whispered hoping he heard.

"Loki? I thought you died.." She said sighing a breath of relief and giving me a hug.

"Get me out of the chair please."

"I can't.."

"come on please?"

"I can't.. I'm in his favor the most I can do is tell him I know you" she whispered.

"Why are we whispering" the grandmaster chimed in.

"Can you do me a huge favor and let me out now?" I said smiling.

"Do you know this man?"

"Of course I do-"

"She's my one and only." I said laughing.

"Ah I see. You'll be let out once you fight my undefeated champion." He said simply and seperated the two of us. I was thrown into a messy room.

"Hey, my name's Korg. I'm made of rocks. no need to be afraid unless you're made of scissors. just a rock paper scissors joke for you. Over here we have mink, and doug." Doug wasn't moving.. "oh..Doug's dead.."

"Right... it's been a pleasure, nonetheless but... I'd rather not be here." I said as I got myself out of the room with my powers. I heard Korg kick the door.

"Piss of Ghost!! he's freaking gone"

your pov

As I was waiting in the room the grandmaster gave me Loki burst in and grabbed my hand and started running towards the exit.

"We must find away out of here this instant!"

"Loki I can't keep up!" I said stumbling. He slowed down and put me on his back and continued running when suddenly...

"Y/N!!! Hulk happy to see you"

"oh my goodness... How'd you get here big guy?"

"Quinjet" he said as he made the motion of it crashing.

"Where is it." Loki said cautiously.

"Hulk will show you." He said as he began to walk us to where it was.

"Where do you think you're going? I can't afford to let you guys go." Val said.

"You could come with us, the more help the better." I told her.

"Alright. Fine. But let me distract the grandmaster first." She said as she ran off. We continued heading to where it was. The message from Natasha came up once we made it there.

"Hey big guy, the missions done so we need to you turn this thing around. we cant really track you..-" it cut off and soon after we got Bruce back.

"Where...huh?" Bruce was confused.

"Bruce, we don't have time to explain. We'll explain later."

"how's Natasha... and everyone else?" he said still trying to process he's him again.

"they're fine I suppose.."

"you suppose? or you know?"

"look I'm not sure but could you stop asking questions? we don't have much time."

"guys... we need a bigger ship. the devil's anus is the best way to get back to asgard. and it'll destroy this ship with us in it."

"What? who's anus-" Bruce said alarmed.

"alright... well I do know how to get to the grandmasters ships without setting any alarms off..." I said.

a/n: pause.. sorry if it seems rushed I'm losing motivation and there's so much I want to do. this story might get up to 20 parts but idk yet. I have ideas, but I like the way I re-did ragnörok and the Odin dying thing- idk. I really need opinions so don't be shy to comment. ty ly continue on
skip to the fight with hela cause yeah-

"You're late." Thor said breathing heavily.

"and you're missing an eye." Loki replied.

"This isn't over.."

"Someone's gotta get surturs crown into the fire." Thor said.

"I'll do it." I said without hesitation.

"That's madness. and it's coming from me." Loki worried.

"I'll be fine. I have a plan. get everyone to safety."


"With the flame... you're reborn.." I said. after, I rushed to grab the tesseract. Once I knew the ships took off I teleported to the one everyone was in and threw the tesseract to the side.

"Y/n?" Loki said looking like he's been crying. "Maybe if you're here I'll give you a hug." he laughed.

"I'm here.." I said walking up to him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me away slightly to give me a kiss. It was godly.. wouldn't expect any less from a god however. the kiss was warm and gentle. and it lasted until we were interrupted by thor.

"You might want to see this..." He said showing us out to the window to see a giant ship.

"mother of fu-"

to be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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