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As Loki and I practiced some more I finally got the hang of it. I was able to conjur things, and I was able to cast illusions. I could also go into Lokis memory and see moments of his life, which meant I am now able to use that to distract someone. I could teleport, just not very well. Anytime I teleport I get dizzy and occasionally I fall. Loki and I had spent so much time together we became friends, he was my first friend as I was his. It was nice having someone I could relate to about not having friends through-out childhood.

Loki sighed before saying the code word. "Furys the best" He started.
"But does the least" He mumbled to me as the portal opened.

"We could just keep you in there Loki." Fury said rolling his eye.

"Look cyclops, if you don't want me conjuring a knife and stabbing you with it in your good eye... You'll let him continue on with me." I said as he put his hands up in defense.

"You two are too alike." He said as the portal closed behind us.

"Anyways... Here's the portal to the Tower..." Stephen Strange said as he opened the portal.

"Did you miss us? I'm sure you did." I said as we stepped through.

"Oh cool she isn't dead. Now I'm going to hug you so warn me before I do if it's not safe to still." Tony said as he wrapped his arms around me, I returned the hug.

"Ha! Now I have a chance with her Wanda." Pietro said as Wanda threw a paper towel ball at him. He threw one back and they kept going back and forth.

"Alright that's enough." I said as I conjured a knife and threatened them with it.

"Woah woah woah, Y/n... Put the knife away they're just kids." Steve said from behind the counter.

"Mhm? And you're an old man." Tony spit out his drink and started laughing.

"Don't make fun of Steve for being old, it's not his fault he's a walking fossil." Sam said as he put his arm around Steve and putting his forehead on his shoulder laughing.

"You're lucky he loves you Sam or he'd be the one pulling a knife on you." Tony said as he cleaned up his mess.

"Hey where's my oaf of a brother." Loki said emotionless.

"Probably in his room consuming an ungodly amount of poptarts." Wanda said.

"Right. I'll be on my way then." he said before walking out of the room.

"So, that was weird." Nat said.

"Very." Bruce agreed. Everyone turned to me.

"What?" I asked before grabbing blueberries from the fridge.

"Do you have any idea as to why he left?" Tony asked.

"No? I mean maybe it's because of what Pietro said, I am his friend after all." I said shoving blueberries in my mouth.

"Hmm... I don't think he liked the thought of someone who wasn't him with you." Bucky teased.

"Oh please, it's been a week since I've arrived and most of it was spent unconscious and kidnapped by Fury. There's no way he developed feelings for me that fast." I told them as I opened a can of (y/f/d) (your favorite drink).

"But you're his only friend y/n. It's possible." Wanda mentioned.

"But very unlikely." I countered.

"Look Y/n, with him we never know. And probably won't. But on another note you now have an actual bedroom instead of the shithole cell and yes, we gave Loki one too it's across the hall from you and you get Thor as your neighbor." Tony said.

"Cool, someone pick a movie. We're gonna watch it." I said sitting down on the floor in front of the couch with my blueberries and drink.

"May I sit next to you, it's a scary movie." Pietro winked. I shrugged and nodded.

"Yeah but we all know you're gonna be the one to get scared." Wanda said earning a chuckle out of everyone.

"H-hey that's not true!" He stammered.


After watching some horror movies and dealing with a scared Pietro clutching my arms like I was his body pillow he sleeps with every night, Sam made dinner and Loki and Thor finally joined us.

"So, you're able to control everything yes lady Y/n?" Thor asked before setting his hammer down by the door and sitting down at the counter with me.

"Mhm" I replied without looking up from my book. He snatched away the book from my hands and closing it causing me to lose my spot.

"YOU RAT BASTARD! GIVE THAT BACK!" I said as I conjured a knife and heald it to his neck. He slowly handed me the book again and I took it from him and put the knife back in the abyss it came from. Loki gave a soft smile without looking up from the book he was reading.

"Now I see wh-" Thor started.

"Finish that sentance and you'll lose your beloved hair brother." Loki said as he continued reading.

"Well now we all want to know what it was." Tony said as he threw a piece of cheese at Loki. He took it from off the counter next to Sam.

"Stark, I strongly reccomend you hide anything you value tonight unless you wish for me to take it." He said as he removed the piece of cheese and threw it onto Thors shoulder.

"Very mature of you brother.." Thor said annoyed as he peeled off the cheese and threw it away.

"Anyways, on another note dinner is ready." Sam said.

"And it smells like-" Tony started.

"It smells amazing, Sam." Steve said glaring at Tony.

"He was gonna say shit." Bucky said laughing.

"Language." Steve said sternly.

"Shit man, I knew you were old but you really so belong in a Smithsonian Steve." I said laughing earning a laugh from everyone besides Sam and Steve.


After dinner we all decided to do our own things. Wanda, Pepper, Nat and I all decided to head into the game room and have a karaoke night. As I was singing Britany Spears; Toxic, Loki walked in.

"With the taste of your lips I'm on a riiiideeee! you're toxic, I'm slippin' under. Taste of a poison paradiceeee, I'm addicted to you dontcha' know that you're toxic~" -input amazing dance skills-

Loki watched in amusement as he leaned against the doorway. I got through the entire song singing and dancing going all out, before I noticed Loki was standing there.

"God damn you're extremely quiet holy shit- hi how long have you um been standing there?" I said embarassed.

"Long enough to see you get low and practically throw your ass into another dimension." He chuckled.

"Okay, I imagined you enjoyed that since you stayed so quiet." I said jokingly.

"Um, well." he said clearing his throat. "I didn't want to disturb you. I had come to ask if you ladies would like to.." he inhaled deeply. "Do our makeup. It was Steve's idea.."

"Fuck yeah! Imma do your eyeliner and make you look like the pretty boy you are!" I said as I ran towards the door grabbing him and dragging him back to the main area.


Oh how I love leaving cliff hangers >:) this ones a nice one though, hopefully the next chapter doesn't take me four days to write, but I do have a few ideas.. Yes... Endgame is going to come up eventually.. But it'll have a different look on it, almost as if... You didn't see that coming. Spoiler alert, it'll be in Lokis POV for most of that. Why? Eh I just feel like it would be better that way. Since he y'know... perishes and never got to enjoy the fight with him in the movie so. yeah. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it, ily all... <3 like I said, I'll get it out as soon as I can. it might be a little bit because like I said. Day program = no phone = no write = having to write it at night/when my parents are done work/ when I have to do 72738273828472882 different things. Again, please please please comment I'd love to hear from you guys.

write any reccomendations here: please :') -

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