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your pov

"me?" Loki said excitedly.

"Yeah.. I feel safe around you.. I... I love you, Loki Laufeyson."

"I love you too... y/n y/l/n (or parker)"  he kissed my head and I sank into his side more. "Will you be my one and only?"

"Yes, my mischievous devil." I looked at the time and realised it was around the time supper would be ready. "Oh shoot we gotta go to the kitchen." I said getting up. He got up as well and once I opened the door.... ALL OF THE AVENGERS WERE RIGHT THERE AS IF THEY LISTENED TO THAT ENTIRE CONVERSATION.

"This may be my fault." Loki said laughing.

"It's about time though." Most of them said.

"Did anyone make supper?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, it's in the kitchen we were gonna tell you guys if you didn't admit your feelings finally." Tony said shrugging. They all headed for the kitchen as did Loki and I.


as we ate we talked and laughed. We ended the night with a movie, everyone did what they pleased. They either watched it, or was playing beauty salon to keep Cassie and Lyla busy and entertained.

"Social battery has run out. Can we go to your room?" Loki whispered.

"Why my room?" I whispered back.

"Your rooms fun."

"Yours could be too, if you just took the time."

"That's a lot of work." he said as he got up and grabbed my arms to forefully help me up. We walked back to my room and Wanda screeched like a fangirl.

"Visions back from his mission!" She said running down the hall past us to get to the elevator.

"What exactly did you want to do in here anyway?" I said as I opened the door, he grabbed it behind me to hold it open so it didn't close on me.

"I need to speak with you." He said simply.

"Oh? what about?"

"Jane Foster, she has this thing called the ether and I need you to help me tell thor.. please?"

"Isn't that an infinity stone?"

"Well... yeah.." he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"...The dark elves..."

on Asgard

"Why didnt you tell me Jane?!" Thor said as he carried her across the rainbow bridge.

"I didn't know.."

"Stop lying." I said.

"Y/n-" Thor started.

"Fine. I was doing it out of spite. I didn't want to tell you cause I didn't want to see you again. I'm mad at you."

"For what?" Thor said offended.

"You aren't with me enough."

"I'm a hero! I can't just stop mid fight to go see you. I can't just say no to a mission because you wanted to have a game night." Thor said placing her down in the medical bay as Frigga came over.

"My son's, Jane, Y/n." she said coming over to hug me first, then Loki, then Thor. she didn't aknowlage Jane after saying her name.

"we must avoid the dark elf's with her, they want the ether." Loki said.

"Well obviously brother. how do we get it out of her?!" Thor said panicking.

"All I know is, you'll have to work with your brother my son." Frigga told Thor.

"No" they said at the same time, including Jane. Frigga glared at Jane, she obviously doesn't like her.

"it's the best idea, and don't you two get along as it is?" I asked sheepishly.

"He betrayed me before. I'm not letting it happen again." Thor said. Loki gave a proud smile.

"It worked wonder-" Loki started.

"Boys..." Frigga began coughing and fell to the ground.

"Mother!" The two cried at the same time as they went to her side. I took the ether out of Janes body by using a syringe I conjured while they got their mother aid. The gaurds brought the ether to a man called the collector. I met up with Jane who was sitting on the step as if she were lost in thought.

"Hey.." I said as I sat next to her.

"Oh. Hi y/n." She said smiling.

"You seem... like you're thinking about something so, what's up?" I ask.

"Oh... I feel like I should break up with Thor. He's never around and I just... need more attention then what I'm getting." She shrugged.

"If that's how you feel then just end it. If you even have to think about if you should dump someone then obviously you should. you shouldn't stay with them and make them think it's special. breaking up should never cross your mind when you're in a relationship. of it does, just do it." I tell her before standing up. she thanks me and I go meet up with the other two.

"Is she alright?" I asked as I hugged Loki from behind and rested my head on his back.

"Luckily she is darling.." Loki said quietly.

"You're lying to her brother. Tell her the truth." Thor said as he let a tear fall.

"Fine... she... she passed away.."

"Doesn't that mean..."

"Yes.. it means ragnörok. I have to go defeat surtur. hopefully the two of you can fend her off."

"hela.." I whispered as Thor left.

"This is it... the fall of Asgard." Loki said.


A portal opened and out came hela.

"Who are you two.." Hela asked

"I am y/n (parker) y/l/n. Not royalty."

"That's pretty obvious."

"perhaps we can come to an arrangement."

"ah... you sound like him..." She said reffuring to Odin. "kneel."

"beg your pardon?" Loki and I both said.

"Kneel before your new queen.." she said.

"Bring us back!" Loki hollared. as we were being brought up, hela knocked me off the path first. and I was seperated from Loki.


when I woke up, I was surrounded by a bunch of trash. Where am I?

to be continued...

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