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"So where are we going exactly?" 

The question has been running through my mind the whole thirty minutes we're in his rather pricy car. When I first stepped out of my apartment building and saw a sleek, very black Audi r8 you can only imagine how low my jaw dropped.

Thing is, I had been saving up for on of these cars since I was born and I'll probably still be saving when I'm dead so why not enjoy it?

Harry glances at me from his peripheral vision, a small smirk on his lips and a spark in his eye. "It's a surprise," Is all he tells me in reply so I'm left to my own imagination for the next how ever long we'll be stuck in this amazingly beautiful car.

"Harry, I don't think you understand how hard it is to keep everything in, in this dress," My nothing more than true statement makes him chuckle, much to my displeasure.

"Shh, stop complaining! You'll be fine." I roll my eyes, he really doesn't understand.

"You can say that when you have a huge hole between your boobs," I try to mumble quietly, not wanting Mr. I'm-so-cool-I-steal-virginitys-for-a-living to hear but of course fail and am faced with yet another chuckle from Harry, except this time it is accompanied by a large, cold hand gripping my thigh.

My body stiffens at his touch; immediately turning cold. Well.. almost cold, where Harry's hand lay was burning. It felt like my right leg had just been forced through the gates of hell.

Okay, maybe I'm just being mellow dramatic now but I am definitely burning up.

"Don't worry, we're almost there."

And he isn't wrong. Within the next five minutes we're parked outside of an old abandoned warehouse? There is minimal light shining out from a few cracked or broken windows and I began to wonder if trusting Harry without actually knowing him is such a good idea.

"You're not secretly some sex crazed serial killer are you? Because I can tell you now that we'll have some problems...." He just rolls his eyes with a slight shake of the head, not impressed.

"Nope." Harry quips, unbuckling our seat belts, he gets out of the car and walks around to my side, holding the door open for me like a gentleman.

My fingers are interlocked with Harry's the second he slams the door closed behind me. He more or so drags me towards the creepy looking building, I hide behind him as he opens the large metal door.

"I did tell you that this would be a surprise. I also told you it would be low-key." I look at him like he is absolutely crazy.

"When you said low-key I didn't think you mean't literally in the middle of nowhere low-key."

"This way it's just me and you, with the exception of the waiters. Think about it, this way there'll be no annoying couples or crying babies. No one to interrupt our special night."

"What's so special about this anyway?" 

A small candle lit table is sitting smack in the middle of the warehouse. I'm immediately captivated by the flickering of the flame. Harry tightens his grip around my hand and giggles as he pulls me over to the table.

"This is really thoughtful of you, Harry, thank you." 

"Don't thank me just yet. We still have the rest of the night to get through." 

Harry pulls out a chair and motions for me to sit, when I do he pushes me and the chair back under the table, leaving barley any space to breath.

On the table there is a bottle of expensive looking red wine sitting in a bucket of ice with a corkscrew. There's also a basket of bread sticks and 2 glasses of water.

"Uh, Harry," He hums in response, popping open the wine.

"I-I'm not.. I don't drink. I'm not even legal yet!" This doesn't phase Harry in the slightest, he just carries on dividing the wine into the two previously empty glasses without a single care in the world. He hands me a now half full glass of the red beverage and holds his up in a toast.

"Tonight we drink, tomorrow we worry about the law." I giggle before clinking my glass lightly with Harry's and bringing the lip of the glass to my mouth. The wine tasted surprisingly sweet, nothing like I expected it to considering it is a red.

"So why'd you bring me here of all places. We could've just stayed in my apartment and ordered takeout?" 

He hums in agreement.

"We could've yes, but I wouldn't be able to do this if we did." Harry raised his hand above his head and flicked his hand, signalling to someone or something hidden from me. Seconds later Harry blew out all the candles and the dim lighting in the warehouse went out.

"Harry, what are you-"

This is officially the most.. fun? date I've ever been on. It's also the first but who's counting. The lights had been flicked off only to be replaced by fluorescent UV lights. Harry's shirt lights up like a light house and his teeth look ridiculous.

"What so funny Miss. Winter?" Harry asks. a wide open mouthed smile showing off his glowing teeth which only made me laugh even harder.

"You've got a little something on your teeth." The giggles escaping through my lips areunstoppable. I'm sure this isn't funny at all but I'm just being young and dumb.

"Where?" Harry fake pouts, "Here?" He asks pointing to one of his front teeth. "Or here?" 

"You're weird, Harry." He smiles at me, a genuine smile. One that meant maybe he actually enjoyed my company. 

"And you're beautiful Miss. Winter." I feel myself begin to turn red again.

"You really need to stop doing that." I say glancing down at my cup of wine, hoping to somehow hide the growing blush in my cheeks.

"Doing what," Harry asks looking genuinely confused.

"You know, being so nice. Getting to know me, calling me beautiful.. Taking me on dates. I didn't- I thought this was suppose to be a quick process," 

I picked up my glass of wine and wave my hand around which is the dumbest thing I've ever done in my whole life because I manage to spill the glasses content all over me and my white dress. I gasp at myself and what I've just done. I reluctantly look down at the now red and white dress that adorns my body.

Harry sits silently, looking at me with dilated pupils. He gulps audibly.

"Your dress is see through Miss. Winter."

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