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"Can you just stop talking for five fucking seconds!" Harry boomed from across the room, he was fuming, if it were possible actual steam would be coming from his ears.

"I'm sorry-" The venom in his voice made me visibly flinch.

"I SAID STOP FUCKING TALKING!" The room fell silent, only the sound of Harry's breathing being audible.

I don't know what happened, why he was so angry? He left a few hours ago saying he needed to 'take care of business' and came back with a menacing look in his eyes and absolutely no patience for whatever I had to say. Silent, hot tears slowly fell from my eyes leaving a wet trail in their wake.

"Just- just don't say anything, I need to think!" I curtly nodded my head, spun around and headed back into mine and Harry's shared room for the past few days. As quickly as I could, I threw off the over sized shirt I'd been wearing and replaced it with my black hoodie and a pair of black yoga pants, I stuffed all my belongings into my mini suitcase and slipped on my sneakers.

I picked up my phone and dialed Katy's number, shutting the door behind me. When I lifted the phone to my ear a large hand caught hold of my upper arm, using just enough force to spin me around and not hurt me.

"Where are you going, don't leave," Harry's face no longer held that cold, menacing look but rather a worried, almost shocked expression. His eyes flicked back and forth between mine, almost begging me to put the phone down. "You can't leave-"

"Hello?.... Desiree?" Katy answered the phone on the seventh ring, interrupting Harry halfway through his sentence. My lips parted and my eyes quickly flicked to the phone that's held to my ear.

"Katy, I- I'm sorry I'll call you back later." My voice cracked at the end of my sentence which caused Katy to shoot questions at me left and right.

"Hey, what's happened? Are you okay, Desiree I'm not joking what's going on?" Harry's grip on my arm had loosened a bit causing his hand to slide down my arm, his fingers leading mine in untangling from the suitcase handle. He then wrapped his hand around my smaller one and held it to his lips, kissing each knuckle softly with a glimmer in his eyes.

"It's yeah, sorry for calling so late." With his free hand, Harry managed to take the phone from me and end the call, placing it on the dining table beside us.

I stood silent, not having a clue what to say. Just under five minutes ago he was yelling at me for asking how things went and now he was holding my hand and caressing my tear stained cheek. Something, or someone must have really done their part because in the little time that I've spent with Harry I could automatically tell that he wasn't the type to get riled up over just anything. He was a calmed, free spirit so it was a surprise to say the least.

"I didn't mean to yell at you, D. It's just been a long day and there's crap going on in the office that I didn't know about. There's just all this pent up frustration inside of me and I guess I just snapped. I'm sorry, just.. Please, don't leave. Not yet, we still have two more days together." He was speaking in such a delicate tone, if we weren't so close together I probably wouldn't have heard him at all.

"I'll only stay if you can promise me that you won't yell at me like that again. I get it, you have a lot on your shoulders and taking a week off of work to spend time with some random girl-" Harry opened his mouth to speak but I shushed him with a shake of my head, silently telling him I wasn't done yet, "It isn't helping anything, but I have enough respect for myself to leave when I'm not being treated the way I should be treated.. Hell how anyone should be treated. I'm not joking Harry, I will leave if I'm not being treated fairly, I don't want to go through that. Not again." I whispered the last part, hoping he wouldn't hear but when his brows scrunched into a fuzzy pile upon his forehead I knew he had.

"I swear I won't, but what do you mean not again?" I sighed, shaking my head. My life before LA is a touchy subject that I didn't like to reminisce on.

"It's nothing. I just didn't have the best life before I moved here. When I landed I told myself that I would look after myself you know, leave relationships that were poisonous, stand up for myself. I guess I just got sick of being kicked around all my life." Harry kissed my nose after that, telling me that he was sorry and that he might lose his temper now and then but that he would try and not direct it at me, I appreciated it more than anything but I just didn't want to get sucked back into my old routine.

That night we ate Chinese take out and cuddled into the cold, black leather couches of his living room. It almost felt like the calm before the storm, like things weren't going to stay this way for much longer but I just pegged that as me being paranoid, the incident just hours prior fueling that fire.

When I woke up I had been moved to the now familiar bed in Harry's bedroom. I thought I was alone again but was proven wrong when I flipped over and came face to face with a peaceful looking Harry, golden brown curls dangling in his face, plump lips parted and his cute little nose twitching every few seconds as a result of his hair tickling him.

Yawning I stretched and leaned over to press a kiss to his forehead, pushing all the hair from his face and smiling down at him. He was an angel, the silky white sheets and sunlight shining in on him only further proving my point.

"You're beautiful, Harry." It was suppose to be a silent statement, meant for only me, but the ghost of a smile tugging at the almost boyish looking mans lips was proof enough that I wasn't the only one who heard it.

"Say's the Princess to the Pauper,"


Short, late, filler, but I updated!!!! My school exams are literally starting tomorrow so I was busy trying to figure all that out!

Also I'm getting all these notifications about people adding this story to their reading lists and it just makes me really happy, you all make me really happy by even reading this!

Anyway, I'm thinking of writing a fanfic that's kinda got the same story line as PLL/ Gossip Girl, obviously not now but if anyone's interested!?

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