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Harry's arms were wrapped around me so tightly when I woke that it was almost hard for me to breath. He was unconscious but his hold never gave up, not even when I tried slipping away or waking him.

He was dead to the world for another hour after I woke and I just had to wait there patiently for him to wake up.

"Harry." I whispered one final time into his ear and to my surprise he shuffled around a little until eventually he looked at me with a simper on his lips.

"Can't we just stay in bed all day?" His husky voice filled my ears and set all my senses in a frenzy.

I giggled as he snuggled his face between my boobs and let out a deep breath, almost motor boating me.

"I wish we could... But I have that appointment in an hour and I can't be late."

Harry pulled away and looked at me confusedly before realization started setting in and he smiled sympathetically at me.

"I can come with you if you want."

Don't get me wrong, I was thankful that he was willing to come with me but I wanted to do this alone. I needed time alone to think about everything.

"Thank you for offering and for being there for me, but I want to do this alone."

I looked away from his piercing eyes as he reached his hand out and stroked my cheek. I was amazed that he hadn't freaked out and left, if Harry was anyone else I had no doubt in my mind that they would.

"What if I really am... You know."

I didn't like saying the word 'pregnant' because it would only make things real? It wasn't official yet that I was and I would never admit it until I knew for sure.

"Then it would be fate." He shrugged his shoulders as if it were nothing and stared into my eyes, "We've just moved into this amazing home, we're financially stable, we love each other and we have my family who will support us through anything. If you really are pregnant, then that child will be the luckiest damn thing to enter this screwed up world."

He amazed me, Harry truly amazed me.

"But we're so young. I'm going to be twenty next month and you're going on twenty three in a week... We're still kids, yeah we might be adults but we haven't had enough time to explore and grow up. I'm scared, Harry."

Harry pulls me into a tight hug and whispers sweet nothings in my ear as tears start trickling down my cheeks.

"Don't be scared baby, this could be the best thing to ever happen to us! We could bring an amazing little person into the world, and explore and grow with him." I pulled away from his hold and giggled at him, "What's so funny?"

"It's going to be a girl not a boy, my family has a strong female gene in our blood." Harry's eyebrows furrow and he grumbles quietly to himself.

"Oh it's going to be a boy." I just rolled my eyes at him and climbed out of bed. If I didn't hurry I would miss my appointment.


I somehow managed to make it just in time and I thanked my lucky stars because they were booked out for the next few weeks.

The doctor had instructed me to pee in a tiny plastic cup and took a few other tests while I was in his office and now I had to wait patiently in the waiting room, it was a lot easier said than done.

About thirty minutes had passed when Dr. Summers called me back into his office. Once I took a seat in front of his desk he looked at me with a straight face.

"What are you thinking?" He surprised me by asking.

I sighed as I let my thoughts flow freely.

"I'm thinking that I don't have a clue what I'm doing." Dr. Summers looked at me sympathetically and it was then that I knew. I didn't need to see any test results.

"Well Miss Winter if you need any help I know many people who I can send you to. May it be money or mentality I can get you help." My lips parted and I looked at him like a deer in headlights.

"So I am pregnant then?" Dr. Summers nodded his head briskly and that same sympathetic smile was still on his face.

"I don't need your help, thank you for offering but I have what I need. Thank you for your time, I'll pay on the way out." I nodded in thanks and left his office in a speed walk, the room was starting to spin and I was starting to feel suffocated.

The lady at the receptionist desk had a tight smile on her face the whole time I was stood there signing papers and paying. It was painfully obvious that she was judging me and I wanted to yell at her.

"Just because I'm here doesn't make you any better then me." I snapped at the unsuspecting lady and walked away, pushing the door open with great force only to hear it slam shut behind me.

When I finally made it to the car I ran my fingers through my tangled hair and screamed. I didn't know what else to do, I had all these pent up emotions inside of me and they had to come out because if there was one thing I did know, it was that 'stress was bad for the baby'.

I sucked in a deep breath to try and calm myself. Deep down I knew I was pregnant, I was just hoping that I was being paranoid and the doctor would tell me otherwise.

Pulling open the drivers side door I climbed in and started hitting the steering wheel. My phone suddenly began ringing just as tears started welling in my eyes and I answered without checking the caller ID.

"Hello." My voice was hoarse and my nose was sniffling ever five seconds.

"Baby, whats wrong?" The worry was evident in his voice and somehow, through all of my stress and worry he managed to bring a smile to my lips.

"Nothing, I promise. I'm just on my way home so I'll see you in twenty minutes, okay?"

Harry hummed into the receiver and we exchanged I love you's before he hung up. Shaking my head at myself, I wiped my eyes and turned the car on, making my way home.

When I was parking the Range Rover outside the garage, Harry opened the front door and started walking towards it. He waited until I turned the engine off and then made his way over to open the door for me.

"How did it go?" Harry asked as soon as he pulled me into his embrace and started rubbing my back in soothing circles. I didn't say anything but silence speaks louder than words I guess.

We walked inside in complete silence, it wasn't a weird or awkward silence, it was a dawning silence. Both Harry and I were about to become parents and we had to be okay with that.

"We'll be okay," He assured the both of us as we sat on the leather couch. "This will only bring us closer together."

And I could only prey that it did.

I was actually going to update yesterday but I went to a music festival instead!!! It was so much fun however I had a green 'under 18's' band around my wrist so boys stayed away :(((

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