Chapter Twenty-Six - Playing Games

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Chapter Twenty-Six

The first thing Harry expected the following morning, was Order members dragging him to the Headmaster, so he could be reprimanded for hurting a student. Harry had half expected to be hauled out of bed in the middle of the night and had spent most of the night awake, almost in anticipation. But morning came and went and no one came for him.

When he saw James waiting for him outside the portrait door, he was sure he was going to get the usual threats and warnings, but James only smiled at him, bid him good morning and chatted pleasantly as they walked to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Your first week of school completed." James grinned, "How do you feel?"

Harry didn't answer, sticking firmly to his self promise of ignoring him. James didn't seem to mind. He carried on regardless.

"It's a strange feeling. I remember mine, even though it's so long ago." James reminisced. "I remember being so relieved I had got past the first week, but I was awfully homesick-" he stopped mid-sentence, mentally cursing himself for the slip-up.

Harry glanced up at him, his eyes cold and hard. He looked away in disgust and quickened his pace, walking away from him. James sighed and ran to catch up.

"So, what do you have planned for today?" James asked. "Saturdays are usually the busiest days in Hogwarts, everyone is up to something."

Harry continued walking, not even looking in James' direction. James went quiet for a few minutes before suddenly remembering something.

"Harry, wait, I have something for you." He stopped and reached into his robes to pull out the wand.

Harry's cold gaze swept past the wand and met James's.

"Satisfied?" he asked coldly.

"It was wrong of Kingsley and Moody to take your wand," James placated. "I wouldn't have let them take it from you if I knew." He offered the wand back to its owner.

Harry took the wand and stuffed it back into his pocket.

"Yeah, right!" he scoffed.

They walked in silence after that. As soon as they turned the corner, Harry saw the single figure, waiting at the doors to the Great hall. He faltered, his steps that had been keen and eager to get away from James, were now hesitant and slow.

Lily smiled nervously at the sight of Harry and James approaching. She had rehearsed what she was about to say with James about ten times already but now that she was about to speak to Harry, she suddenly felt very anxious.

"Good morning, Harry," she greeted as soon as he was within earshot.

Harry ignored her. Lily had guessed as much, so she pushed on.

"Welcome to your first weekend at Hogwarts." She smiled. "Saturday's are usually the busiest days in Hogwarts, everyone is up to something," she continued. She caught the look on James' face and remembered a moment later that that was supposed to be his line. She shook the mess-up out of her mind and pushed on. "Do you have anything planned?"

Harry sent her a scathing look but otherwise remained silent.

"Right, yes, well I can imagine there's not much you would be interested in, not yet anyway," Lily muttered, feeling slightly panicked at how horrible this attempt was going. She took in a breath, she would just put it out there and see what happened. "I was wondering, I mean, me and James were wondering," she corrected at the look James sent her, "since you don't have any classes today and you're not up to much if perhaps you would like to join me and James in my staff quarters?" She looked up at him then, meeting his icy gaze, immediately wishing she hadn't. "We thought today would give us an opportunity to just sit, just us, as"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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