Chapter Ten - Nurmengard

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Chapter Ten

Dumbledore listened with disappointment as his Order members explained how their plan was foiled by the arrival of Hit wizards who took the Dark Prince.

“It's all Moody's fault!” Sirius blamed. “He called the Hit squad.”

“I didn't call for the Hit squad!” Moody argued. “I sent a distress signal which was picked up by them instead of the Aurors!”

“You should have sent the signal here, at the headquarters.” James said, annoyed beyond measure. “The Order would have sent reinforcement.”

“And what if there wasn't anyone at the headquarters to receive the signal?!” Moody asked in return, his voice low and gruff in his anger. “Headquarters isn't always occupied. What was I supposed to do then? I did what is protocol! I saw we were outnumbered and I asked for back up. I did nothing wrong!”

“Nothing wrong?!” James thundered. “You gave the boy to the Ministry! Now we haven't got any control over what happens. Fudge will probably have the boy killed immediately!”

Even as he said the words, James felt his heart ache with sudden pain at the thought. He didn't understand why but the thought of Dementors attacking the boy was deeply disturbing. He dismissed it as anxiety over a child, by normal standards, being destroyed in such a cruel way.

“He won't do that.” Kingsley consoled. “The Minister has to give him a trial before he can sentence him to anything.”

“Yeah, but I can't see the Minister doing any such thing.” Remus said. “He will want information, any information on You-Know-Who. When he has what he needs, or if the boy doesn't comply, Fudge will have him destroyed. He'll want the wizarding world to know he's in control and what a difference he can make as the Minister for Magic. Having the Dark Prince killed will give him more popularity than ever and do wonders for his political profile.”

James knew Remus was right. Fudge would do just about anything to gain public favour as so many had such little faith in him.

“There's got to be something we can do.” James said desperately. “Dumbledore?” he turned to him hopefully.

With a tired sigh, Dumbledore pulled away his intertwined hands on which he had been leaning, and dropped them down.

“I had hoped that the Order was successful in bringing in the Dark Prince.” he started, ignoring Moody's uncomfortable shifting in his seat. “I truly believed we had a chance to get to Voldemort through the boy. It's unfortunate that we failed.” he looked up at James. “I'm afraid that if the Ministry has the Dark Prince, there is nothing we can do to influence the situation. Minister Fudge will not listen to reason. His fear of Voldemort means he won't be willing to lure him in a trap. He will destroy the boy, in the hopes of winning public support.”

James felt his heart sink at that.

“He's as good as dead.” Sirius stated, referring to the Dark Prince.

“Good!” Moody grunted. “One less enemy for us.”

James got up from the table and walked out, unable to stay seated. He left the small dining room and headed to the kitchen. Since it was only an informal debriefing that they were having, James didn't feel it was wrong of him to leave.

“James? Prongs, wait up!” Sirius followed him. “What's wrong?” he asked, seeing the distress on his friend.

“I don't know!” James said, sounding furious. “I don't know what it is but something doesn't feel right!”

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