Chapter Twenty One - A Family of Sorts

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Chapter Twenty One

Sirius knocked on the door, mentally cursing the magical lockdown that was stopping him from using the floo to travel. Although the alteration that Dumbledore had added recently meant that he and other Order members could now floo into the headquarters, no one could floo out. He grumbled in annoyance. He wasn't used to knocking and waiting for permission to enter, not to this house in particular. He heard footsteps approaching, the metallic clicking as the door was unlocked and the red wooden door was pulled open. Sirius grinned at the sight of the dark haired boy answering the door.

"Hey pup!"

Damien's hazel eyes narrowed at him. Without a reply he turned and took two stairs at a time and disappeared upstairs. Sirius sighed, walking into the house and closing the door behind him. He walked to the kitchen and found both James and Lily, busy preparing dinner.

"Hey," he greeted both. "I see Damy's still in a mood."

James let out a deep sigh.

"He's got his mind fixed on only one thing; going to see Harry." said James.

"He asks us everyday to take him to the headquarters, so he can meet his brother." Lily added.

"I think maybe you should let him." Sirius said. "It's been a week since he found out about Harry. It must be driving him mad to know about his brother but not be allowed to meet him." Sirius partly didn't blame Damien for holding a grudge.

"We can't let him!" Lily exclaimed, halting in the process of preparing the salad. "You've seen what Harry has been like this past week! With his failed attempt at escaping, not to mention his soon-to-be forced attendance at Hogwarts, he's downright furious!" Lily picked up her knife again. "He's brimming with anger. It's not the right time to be meeting anyone."

"But does Damien listen?" James asked rhetorically, "no!" he shook his head. "All he understands is that Harry is at the headquarters and he should be allowed to go and see him."

Sirius pulled out a seat and sat down.

"Do you blame him?" he asked.

James glanced over at Sirius before shaking his head.

"Honestly? No, I don't." he answered with a sigh. "I know how excited he is to have an older brother and that's precisely why I don't want him to meet Harry right now." he glanced down at his own hands. "Harry can be hurtful, even with just his words." he said. "I don't want Damien to be rejected by him."

Sirius didn't know what to say. He knew how much Harry's rejection of James and Lily was hurting them. He looked over at Lily but she was focusing on the salad, purposefully not meeting anyone's gaze.

"When are you going to take Damien to see Harry then?" Sirius asked.

"Probably Saturday," James replied.

"Another four days of stony silence to go then?" Sirius joked.

"I think by Saturday, Harry would have calmed down and accepted the fact that he's starting Hogwarts on Monday." James said. "It's the best option."

"Have you prepared yourself?" Sirius asked James. "Back to Hogwarts!" he grinned. "Did you ever think you would be going back?"

"Let alone as a guard for my son." James said bitterly.

Sirius' grin slipped from his face.

"Maybe it's a good thing." he consoled. "This way, you get to be around Harry a lot more and you both can build a relationship."

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