Chapter Eight - Plan to Capture

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Chapter Eight

It was late in the evening and most members of the Order wanted nothing more than to go home. Lily was no different, she sat with James on one side and Sirius on the other, hoping the meeting would be over quickly so she could go to her bed. She looked over at her husband who had been discharged from hospital a week ago. He had immediately resumed his post as Auror, ignoring the Healer's instructions to 'rest and recover'. She shook her head at her husband's stubborn behaviour. Her sharp green eyes lingered on James' neck, checking to see if she could make out any scars left behind from the horrid attack. She couldn't see a single mark. Lily had hand made the potion that prevented scarring and had applied it on James twice a the day, otherwise he would've had an ugly scar running from below his left ear all the way to the back of his neck, where the blade had cut him. Again, Lily thanked God that he was okay. The attack could have been fatal but he was lucky to survive.

She was brought out of her thoughts as Dumbledore arrived and the room hushed to silence, waiting for the meeting to begin. Albus Dumbledore took his position in front of the tired looking group of people.

"Thank you all for coming." He started. He looked at the faces sitting before him, his gaze stopping on James, Sirius and Kingsley. "It's true." He stated simply. "Voldemort has an heir."

The atmosphere in the room changed almost instantly. Surprised gasps echoed around the room. The only ones that remained unaffected were the ones that had already met the Dark Lord's son.

"How is this possible?” McGonagall asked. “We would have heard something long before now?”

“I believe Voldemort has kept him a secret from everyone.” Dumbledore replied. “Even most of his men do not know for certain that their master has a son.” he inclined his head towards Severus, who sat stony faced and met no one's gaze. “That is why the Order never found out until now.”

“I don't understand,” Elphias Doge said in his wheezy voice. “Why would You-Know-Who keep his son a secret from his Death Eaters?”

“Maybe he doesn't trust them.” Remus offered. “He fears one of his own men might try to take out the next-in-line. We know for a fact that there are many Death Eaters trying to gain favours from Voldemort in hopes that when it comes to choosing who will take over from him, he will choose them.”

“Yeah, that monster's got to die one day!” Moody grumbled.

Dumbledore didn't say anything but his brow creased at Moody's words, worry flashing in his eyes.

“It seems that, for whatever reason, Voldemort has kept his son a closely guarded secret.” Dumbledore continued. “Severus has confirmed to me that amongst the crowd of Death Eaters, there are some that believe he exists and some who think he is nothing more that a myth.”

“He's no myth!” Sirius muttered. “He's real alright!” he rubbed at his ribs, still a little sore from the beating he had received.

“Some Death Eaters have claimed to have seen a boy's shadow in and around Riddle manor for years but no one has seen his face.” Dumbledore continued. “I believe Severus spoke to the lower rank Death Eaters that guard the entrance and they have claimed to have met the boy in a silver mask, coming in and out of the manor.”

“Why would they let him in if they don't know who he is?” Kingsley asked.

“They say that Voldemort himself told them if they see a boy in a silver mask, to never stand in his way.” Dumbledore replied. “They claim that Voldemort instructed them to fall to their knees and bow before the boy and not dare look him in the eyes.”

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