Chapter Twenty Three - First Day of School

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Chapter Twenty Three

The mass of students hurried towards the Great Hall, glad to be out of the bitter cold night. Most of them were chatting happily to one another, sharing stories from their summer break or catching up with the latest happenings.

But three students were not with the rest, heading for the Great Hall. Instead they were huddled inside a cold bathroom, on the first floor, named 'Moaning Myrtle's' bathroom. They were engrossed in talk, seeking the privacy of the disused bathroom to discuss the Dark Prince.

"So, everything I read in the papers concerning the Dark Prince being in prison was lies?" Hermione asked.

Ron nodded his head.

"Professor Dumbledore convinced the Minister to do a cover up."

"Exactly how he managed that feat, we don't know." Ginny added.

Hermione dropped her head, deep in thought. She had been filled in on the train ride here as to what had happened these past few weeks and what Dumbledore was planning with the Dark Prince but she couldn't discuss it properly, not with Damien there.

"I can't believe Professor Dumbledore is actually doing this." Hermione breathed, evidently disappointed that her esteemed Headmaster had instigated a lie and cover up for a murderer such as the Dark Prince.

"My thoughts exactly!" Ginny agreed. "Hogwarts isn't a place for people like him."

Hermione looked terribly conflicted.

"I know I should have faith in Professor Dumbledore," she started, "and I do, but I can't figure out exactly what he's hoping to gain by doing this?"

"We told you, he's wanting to convert him." Ginny said, her mocking tone alone told of what she thought of the idea.

"That way, the Dark Prince will willingly give up all he knows about You-Know-Who." said Ron. "And apparently, he knows a lot!"

Hermione shook her head in silent thoughts.

"He must have something planned." she said. "I mean, it's Professor Dumbledore, everyone knows he's eccentric but he's also brilliant! I bet you he knows more than he's letting on," she declared. "He must have a really well thought out plan and that's why he's involving Hogwarts."

"Either that or he's finally lost the plot." Ginny breathed.

Hermione didn't fight the statement, even though she looked like she wanted to.

"Well, we better get back to the Great Hall." Ron said, heading to the door. "Remember Hermione, don't breathe a word of this to anyone," he reminded.

Hermione frowned at him.

"Really Ronald!" she admonished. "I'm not an idiot!"

Ron looked abashed but he stubbornly held her gaze.

"We'll be expelled if Professor Dumbledore finds out we told you about the Dark Prince," he said.

"Yes, I know that!" Hermione snapped. "You don't have to keep reminding me." She stared at the red haired boy before looking over at Ginny. "I won't let on that I know who he is. Don't worry," she added, a lot more softly at the end.

Ron nodded his head at her and pulled open the door, to make their way to the Great Hall.


At the Gryffindor table, Damien was watching the doors, craning his neck to see past the numerous students arriving, searching for only one face.

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