Chapter Six - Praise of a Killer

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Chapter Six

"This is just so unfair!" Damien complained. He was sitting at the Gryffindor table, having breakfast with his fellow Gryffindors but his unusual foul mood had stopped him from enjoying it.

"I know it sucks man, but what can you do?" Ron said before tipping half a dozen pancakes onto his plate and smearing them with golden honey syrup.

"I can't believe I'm going to miss it!” Damien continued. “I've been waiting weeks to go to the World Cup match. Dad promised to come and get me and now he just decides not to show up! I mean, not even an owl to say he had to cancel."

"Still whining about it Damien? Honestly, it's only a game. Your father has more important things to attend to you know." Hermione said as she and Ginny sat down next to Ron and Damien.

"Only a game?” Damien questioned. “You obviously don't know much about Quidditch, Hermione. Not surprising as it's not something you can learn out of a book.”

The fifth year prefect pretended not to hear that last part her young friend said. She helped herself to some toast instead.

"I'm sure Mr Potter had something important come up.” Ginny consoled Damien. “After all, he's not one to miss such a big game either."

'That's actually a good point.' thought Damien.

Why would his dad miss the game? He was about the biggest fan of Quidditch ever, so much so that he was named best chaser for Gryffindor in his school days. The trophy was still in the trophy cabinet on the third corridor.

Damien had only seen his dad once since he had got back from his Auror duties. He had looked pretty tired and run down but Damien knew his dad would never complain. He loved being an Auror. Damien suspected his exhausted father was probably still sleeping, completely forgetting about the World Cup.

"If something important came up he should have sent an owl." mumbled Damien. “At least I would know not to wait for him.”

Ron looked up from his plate and saw the glum expression on his friend. Damien was three years younger than him but they were friends ever since they were kids. Since Ron's and Damien's parents were Order members they met up regularly. Molly and Lily met up frequently at each other's house and encouraged their children to be friends. As a result, Ron and Damien became such good friends that Ron didn't mind the younger boy hanging around with him and his friends at Hogwarts. He was used to having him around.

“Cheer up, mate!” Ron said. “I'm sure Mr Potter will make it up to you. There are plenty of games to come.”

With a sigh, Damien nodded. He went back to his breakfast, pushing the pancakes from one part of the plate to the other.

“What should we do, today?” he asked Ron sullenly.

"We'll go see Hagrid and then maybe Quidditch practise?" Ron suggested.

“Yeah, cool.” Damien replied, a small smile gracing his face. “If I can't watch the match I may as well play one.”

"What about you Ginny, fancy a game?" Ron asked his sister.

Ginny looked up from her whispered conversation with Hermione.

"What? Oh,…no thanks. I have to go to the library." she replied turning a little red as a blush crept to her cheeks.

Damien and Ron shared a look before both boys sighed and rolled their eyes.

"Ginny, give it up already! You're not going to find him." Ron tried.

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