Chapter Twenty Two - Welcome To Hogwarts

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Chapter Twenty Two

The first of September arrived on a dull, wet day. James found himself juggling a hectic day in which he had to accompany Damien to Kings Cross so he could board the Hogwarts Express and get back to the headquarters to assist Harry to Hogwarts directly.

"Harry's not coming by Hogwarts Express!" Damien asked in disappointment. "How come?!"

"It's not safe for him to use the train." Lily answered, checking through Damien's trunk to ensure he had packed everything he needed.

"Safe?" Damien asked, pulling a face. "What do you reckon he'd do? Jump out of a moving train?"

"I wouldn't put it past him." she admitted reluctantly.

Damien huffed but he didn't say anymore on the subject. It was only a matter of hours then he'd be in Hogwarts, with Harry.

James, Lily and Damien set off for Kings Cross in their car, a muggle contraption that had both confused and excited James when he first saw one. After countless lessons from Lily, James learned how to drive and passed his muggle driving test. Whenever it came to travelling with family, James opted to drive them, even if it was to Kings Cross in London.

At Kings Cross, the usual sight greeted them, children running to the scarlet train in excitement, some turning back to give last minute hugs and kisses to their tearful parents. James and Lily ushered Damien towards the train, fighting through the crowd. They saw Molly, surrounded by her red haired children, all giving her hugs and lugging their heavy trunks onto the train. Damien quickly ran off towards them.

"Damy!" Ginny grinned as she caught sight of the dark haired boy. She ran to him, hugging him quickly. "How have you been? You didn't answer any of my firecalls?" she complained.

"I was grounded." Damien told her.

"Oh? What did you do?" Ron asked.

Damien threw his parents a furtive glance, seeing them busy talking with Molly, he looked back around at Ron and Ginny.

"I sneaked out under dad's cloak and went to the headquarters to see Harry." he told them.

Ron and Ginny suddenly paled, their eyes widening in disbelief.

"You did what?!" Ginny hissed with narrowed eyes. "Have you lost your mind?!"

"Are you mental, mate?" Ron asked.

"What?" Damien asked, surprised at their shock. "What's wrong with me going to see my brother?"

Ginny drew back, her lips pressed together in a thin line.

"He's dangerous," she urged quietly. "He could have hurt you or used you to try and escape, like Fred and George!"

"Honestly mate, you could have gotten hurt!" Ron told him off.

Damien brushed their arguments aside.

"He's my brother." he stated. "I knew he wasn't going to hurt me."

"How can you be so sure?" Ron asked.

"Did he hurt Fred or George?" Damien asked. "No, he didn't!" he looked between the two Weasleys. "And I managed to meet him, I talked to him and everything and I'm still here, in one piece!" he grinned at their look of shock.

"You talked to him?" Ron asked.

"What did he say?" Ginny asked, curious.

Damien shrugged.

"Not much, he yelled at me to get out, that was pretty much it."

Ron and Ginny shared an exasperated look.

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