Chapter Eleven - The First Day

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Chapter Eleven

The Daily Prophet arrived the next morning, with the main headline, 'The Dark Lord has an Heir!' on the front page. Minister Fudge had released the news to the media late last night that You-Know-Who has a son, known only as the Dark Prince. He gave a full statement, announcing that his elite squad of Hit wizards had captured the Dark Prince and that the boy would be standing trial very soon.

'It is every witch and wizard's right to have a fair, objective trial.' Minister Fudge was quoted in the paper as saying, 'Even those who do not consider themselves a part of our society. These so-called 'Dark' witches and wizards go against the rules and regulations that the rest of the wizarding world live by, but as the Minister for Magic, I will still give them the chance to do the right thing and admit to their crimes. The son of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named will stand trial and be judged for his crimes against the wizarding world. The exact details of when the trial will take place has not been finalised yet but I assure you, justice will be served!'

James pushed the paper aside angrily. He didn't want to read any more of the Minister's fabricated and preconceived speeches. He knew Fudge didn't want to give the Dark Prince a trial. He was only doing it to gain public support. Fudge had already decided the boy's fate; the Dark Prince was getting the Dementor's Kiss, there was no doubt about it. The trial was a façade, put up by the Minister so he can show to the world how fair a leader he is. James angrily stabbed at his bacon, almost cracking the plate in two.

“Easy, James!” Lily said at the table. “Those are my favourite plates.”

“Sorry.” James muttered.

“I know how you feel.” Sirius said, before taking a sip of his tea. “I was annoyed too. They don't even mention all the hard work we did to trap the Dark Prince.” he pulled a face. “Impressive capture by the Hit squad, yeah right!” he scoffed.

James didn't respond but put down his fork, giving up on breakfast.

“James, are you okay?” Lily asked, giving her husband a concerned look. “You've not touched your food.”

“Yeah, come on, bacon and eggs!” Sirius said, elbowing James. “Your favourite!” he picked a strip of bacon from James' plate and bit into it. “Or is it my favourite?” he laughed.

“Why are you here?” Lily asked, her eyes narrowed at Sirius.

“I wanted breakfast.” Sirius said, faking a confused expression. “I was hungry.” he pouted.

Lily rolled her eyes.

“It's a never ending struggle with you; feeding the ever hungry!” she said.

Sirius grinned at her.

“Ah, admit it, Lils. You like having me over.”

Lily pulled a face as she got up, clearing the table.

“I really, really don't!” she replied.

Sirius chuckled and turned his attention back to James who still looked lost in his thoughts.

“Hey Prongs? What's got you abusing the grey matter?” he asked.

James looked at him but shook his head.

“Nothing. It's nothing.”

The door leading to the living room from the kitchen was open and James distracted himself by studying Damien who was sitting on the rug playing chess with Ron. James was glad Ron was over, staying for a week with Damien. It elevated the boredom Damien suffered during the summer breaks.

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