Chapter Nineteen - Discussions about and with the Dark Prince

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Chapter Nineteen

James stepped out of the fireplace, brushing soot from his clothes. He took in the familiar sight of the Burrow's cosy kitchen. He walked towards the back door, intending to check the garden. The day was crisp and fresh, perfect for Quidditch, so that was what he assumed the kids at the Burrow would be doing. Just as he was about to open the door, he heard noise behind him and the other door leading from the hall opened.

James turned around, his heart leaping with joy as he saw his twelve year old son walk into the kitchen with Ron. Damien halted mid step, surprise blanketed his features before a big grin spread over his face.

“Dad!” he cried happily, hurrying towards him.

James smiled and opened his arms, engulfing the boy in a hug.

“How are you Damy?” he asked, ruffling his hair.

Damien pulled away, smiling brightly.

“Good, I've been good.” He replied. “Where have you been?!” he asked, “I've not seen you or mum in like, a week!”

James dropped his gaze ashamedly.

“I'm sorry, Damy,” he said, sincerely. “Things have just been...a little crazy.” he swallowed heavily.

He caught sight of Ron, moving to the cupboard to pull out a box of what looked like candy. Ron smiled at James and waved in greeting before taking three boxes and disappearing out the kitchen, leaving father and son alone.

“What have you been up to?” Damien asked curiously.

“Order stuff, boring and...just plain boring.” he answered. He guided his son to the kitchen table and both sat down.

Damien eyed James suspiciously.

“Are you okay, dad?” he asked with concern. “You look tired.”

James ran a hand through his hair. He hadn't been sleeping well this last week, well more accurately, ever since finding Harry again.

“I'm fine, just beat from all the mundane Order work I have to do.” he forced a chuckle.

Damien still eyed him with doubt but he changed the topic.

“You should have said you were coming.” he smiled. “My stuff is all over the Burrow. It'll take ages to pack it all.” he made to get up from his seat. “I'll be as quick as I can.”

James reached out, stopping him.

“I'm not here to pick you up.” he told him with a heavy heart. “ You're not coming home yet.”

Damien narrowed his hazel eyes at him.

“I'm not?” he asked.

“No, not yet. Your mum and I are the middle of...of the Order work.” James stumbled clumsily over his words. “It'll be a few more days. Then we'll be back at home and so will you.”

Damien sat back down, looking sorely disappointed.

“Oh, okay, cool.” he looked away, examining his own hands.

“Hey,” James reached out for him again. “What's the matter? I thought you liked staying here at the Burrow?”

“I do,” Damien shrugged. He looked up at his dad, feeling a little childish as he said the words, “But I wanted to come home, you know, go back to my usual routine.”

James smiled at him.

“Are the Weasleys messing up my son's routine?” he joked.

Damien smiled, shaking his head.

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