Chapter Eighteen - Bad Behaviour

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Chapter Eighteen

Dusk had fallen, the street lamps had flickered to life, casting a soft glow across the street below. Every so often a car would pass by, splashing through the puddles left by the rain. At the window of one of the dark stoned buildings, lined along Grimmauld Place, sat a dark haired boy, staring out at the quiet street with tired eyes. Harry had been sitting at the window sill for the last three hours now, just staring blankly at the deserted street, finding nothing that could distract him from the predicament he was in. He leaned his head against glass pane of the window, a relieved sigh escaped him as the cool glass felt blissful against his burning scar. Slowly the pain was dying down, soon it would be nothing more than a slight prickling sensation. His father had considerably calmed down, Harry realised.

He stopped himself from thinking about his father. The more he did, the angrier he got at being trapped and away from him. He would never admit it out loud but he was worried, confused at what Dumbledore would do now that he had somehow convinced the Minister to leave Harry at the headquarters of the Order. What was Dumbledore planning on doing with him?

The thought had Harry close his eyes, an attempt to control the growing urge to break something. He opened his eyes and glanced around the room, the floor still littered with broken furniture, the room that was his prison now. His gaze found the plate of food left by the Potters earlier today, sitting on top of the bedside drawer. He looked away, choosing to stare out of the window again. His last few days had him surviving on mostly just water. He couldn't bring himself to eat the gruel served three times a day at Nurmengard and although what he was given here could be termed as food, he felt too sick to attempt to eat anything. His injuries had been treated and were in the process of healing but still hurt enough to make him feel ill.

Harry was brought out of his silent musings when the door opened nosily behind him. Harry stopped himself from looking around. He stayed where he was, pretending he didn't hear anything.

The clunk accompanying every footstep told Harry it was Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody that had entered the room, not James or Lily. He could almost feel the eyes, magical and normal, on him, boring into the back of his head. As much as he wanted to ignore the Auror, the annoyance of being stared at got too much for him. He turned to see Moody approaching the bed, a goblet in his hand. He saw the Auror place the silver goblet onto the bedside table, next to the untouched plate of food. The eccentric blue magical eye didn't leave Harry for even a second.

Harry stayed where he was, watching Moody as he turned to face him. For the first moment, neither wizard spoke. Moody broke the silence with a grunt.

“Your mum sent this herbal healing tea for you.” he said, referring to the goblet. “Drink it before it gets cold.”

“She's not my mum.” Harry replied nonchalantly.

Moody didn't show any reaction. He started walking back towards the door.

“It's on Madame Pomfrey's instructions. She gave them before she left. Make sure you drink it.”

Harry smirked at him.

“And was it her instructions for you to bring me the tea as well?” he asked.

Moody reached the foot of the bed, his magical eye swivelling around in it's socket, taking in every inch of the room before both settled on him again.

“I wouldn't trust you with anyone else.” he replied. “You may fool them, but not me.”

Harry raised an eyebrow at him.

“How am I fooling anyone?”

“Just because you wear the face of a child it doesn't make you one.” Moody said. “I can see you for what you are; a monster!” Moody's heavily scarred face wore an expression of immense hatred. “The others may let down their guard around you, but I won't.”

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