Chapter 1

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"UGH!" I groaned as we finally got through the mass of screaming fans and into the studio.  

"You know I love our fans but for fucks sake ain't y'all got nothing better to do at 8 in the goddamn morning??" Perrie laughed. Jade and Jesy murmured, leaning on each other half asleep. The pair of them living together obviously wasn't a very good idea but they refused to be separated. Whatever. Perrie and I couldn't be more perfect as flatmates so we didn't really mind. 

"Leigh, you know they're not here for us anyway, not primarily.." my favourite blondie reminded me. I rolled my eyes. 

"I know, I know, OMG One Direction aaahhh" Perrie laughed again. 

"Be nice Leigh!" 

"Don't mind me, I'm just being a goat." I winked at her before looking around. 

"Speaking of One Direction, where ARE the little fuckers anyway?" 

"Right this way girls." Sam, our bodyguard, returned at that moment and led us through the corridors to some sort of large waiting room, with couches and tables.  

"You guys are due in at 9:30" Sam informed us before exiting the room. On one of the couches, 3/5 of the boyband were already spread, making themselves comfortable. Jesy and Jade slumped over to another couch and collapsed on it. At one end of the room Zayn and Harry were leaning on an expensive looking desk.  

"ZAYN!" Perrie squealed as soon as she spotted him and she ran over to him and threw her arms around him. 

"Haha hey baby how've you been?" 

"ZAYN!!" I mocked, imitating Perrie's previous actions. Zayn laughed and gave me a hug when I got to him. 

"Hey Leigh-Anne how are ya?" 

"I'm alright mate!" I'd always had a thing for Zayn. Could you blame me? The guy was fucking gorgeous! But as soon as he and Perrie had started dating I'd backed off. We were still really good mates though.  

"Are you sure?" Zayn's brows furrowed, "I heard you and Mick broke up.." Perrie spoke up before I had to, 

"Trust Leigh! The girl just can't keep a man!"  

"Now hold up sis!" I held up a finger playfully at her, "it's not that I CAN'T keep a man, it's that I just haven't found a man I WANT to keep!" Zayn laughed and said, 

"You sound a lot like Harry right now!"  

"Boy knows where it's at!" I winked at the curly haired boy and we all laughed. Well Perrie, Zayn and I did. Harry just smiled shyly. I refrained from rolling my eyes. Wasn't Harry supposed to be the flirty, charming, outgoing one? He'd never seemed very social with me. Maybe he found me intimidating. I wouldn't blame him, to be honest. I was loud and "in-your-face". But still he needed to grow the fuck up. He wasn't a kid anymore and acting all shy wasn't cute. I never liked having to be the one to carry the conversation and I always felt like I'd have to if I started talking to him. So I brought my full attention back to the couple and asked Zayn how the tour had gone. He smiled and delved into a description of their recent trip to Australia.

Jade's POV

I was lying on the couch with my feet up on the armrest and my head in Jesy's lap. I could hear Jesy snoring lightly above me. I had my eyes closed and was on the brink of sleep but was holding onto consciousness as I listened in on the boys' conversation. I could only pick up snippets as they were whispering and I kept briefly drifting off to sleep. But from what I could make out they were talking about Leigh. I heard Niall murmur something about her being really fit, then someone else said something about a crush and then I fell back asleep. I woke up a few minutes later mentally slapping myself for drifting off. I strained my ears to hear them again. 

Unexpected (a Harry Styles/Leigh-Anne Pinnock - Leigharry - fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now