Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

I couldn't believe it. My own mate, brother even. After I'd poured my heart out to him about my feelings for her he'd gone and done that to me. When I'd seen them together I'd rushed back to the hotel and straight up to my room. After throwing up half my guts I'd climbed under my blanket, fully clothed but shivering. I could feel my pillow dampening from my sweaty forehead. Squeezing my eyes shut I begged for sleep to come to me but my mind was unable to rest with the memory of my best friend and my girlfriend going to bed together playing on the back of my eyelids.

When I finally managed to slip out of consciousness I was still unable to find peace. I was tortured by my imagination with a scene of Zayn and Leigh-Anne. He had her pressed up against a wall much like I'd had her in the bathroom at Tulisa's party, what felt like so long ago. His lips were pressed against her own in a fervent kiss. In one swift motion he had lifted her and thrown her onto the bed. Climbing on top of her he grinded his hips into her own as they resumed their kiss. He groped her viciously, her tits, her hips, her arse, then fiddled with the hem of her dress. Then his hand slipped under.

I sat bolt up, screaming. I panted heavily, staring into the dark of my room. Pulling my phone out of my pocket I checked the time. 4:32. I obviously wasn't going to be getting much sleep tonight. Tossing my phone onto the bed I lay back and shut my eyes once more.

* * *


Go away.

"Get up mate breakfast ends soon."

Why couldn't he just leave me alone? What did Zayn honestly think he was doing? Then the memories from last night came flooding back. Zayn. My eyes flew open and I shoved him hard off his place on the edge of my bed. His eyes widened in shock as he hit the floor with a loud thus.

"What the hell man?" he yelled.

"What the hell? I don't fucking believe you! How the fuck can you sit there and act like nothing's wrong?"

"Well clearly something is wrong since you just fucking shoved me onto the floor!"

I struggled to untangle myself from the sheets with the sole intent of ruining his pretty little face.

"Harry what is up with you?" he cried.

"I fucking saw you! Don't play innocent you fucking prick I saw you and Leigh at the party!"

"What are you talking about?"

I finally untangled myself and stumbled forward. Zayn had gotten up and moved to steady me. I violently shook him off and took a swing at him. He jumped backwards.

"Jesus, Harry what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I saw you with Leigh! I saw you flirting with her! You even took her up to the bedroom! Do you think I'm a fucking idiot?"

"Right now? Yes!"

I took another swing. He dodged easily.

"Harry I have no idea what you're talking about. I was with Perrie the whole night. We even left early! You know we're not big on parties."

"But the quiff-"

"Harry I haven't had a quiff in months."

I frowned.

Unexpected (a Harry Styles/Leigh-Anne Pinnock - Leigharry - fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now