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Harry’s POV 

I beamed as I spotted my girlfriend approaching. She flashed back my favourite of all her smiles: the one that reached her eyes. When she reached my booth in the corner of the café, she slid across my lap and slipped into the space between the wall and me. Her bum brushed ever so slightly against my crotch and set it off instantly, which didn’t go unnoticed by Leigh-Anne.

“Alright there, big boy?” she teased. I smirked.

“I don’t suppose you could help me out?”

She laughed and the sound was so carefree that I couldn’t resist leaning over and cupping her face. She bit back a smile. Her faced radiated positivity.

“I love you.” I told her truthfully. This time she didn’t hold back her grin.

“I love you too, Harry.”

And I brought my lips onto hers and she wrapped her arms around my neck and for that moment in time we were the only two people in the world. It was a short, sweet kiss with no tongue involved but when we withdrew, I pressed my forehead against hers and her soft, brown eyes stared lovingly into mine, a content smile playing on her flushed lips.

“God, you two are nauseating.”

We sprung apart to be greeted by Zayn. He smirked. We had been so engrossed in each other that we hadn’t realised when he had joined us in the booth.

“Zayn!” Leigh-Anne cried and she leapt up and reached across the table, stretching towards him. Zayn laughed and wrapped his arms around her in an embrace. When she had squeezed him tightly enough she sat back down. My bandmate turned to me and we exchanged a fist bump.

It had been six months since Leigh-Anne and I had gotten back together again. It had also been six months since Leigh-Anne and Zayn had seen each other in person, much less spoken. We’d finished our world tour and Little Mix had done their final summer festivals around the same time we had returned to London so Leigh-Anne and I had spent two restful months in pretty much only each other’s company.

“How’ve you been, Zayn?” she asked genuinely. He smiled.

“Pretty good, actually,”

Just then a slender hand rested on Zayn’s shoulder. He looked up, grinned and scooted over and a girl sat herself down.

“Hi.” She said shyly to Leigh-Anne and myself.

“Guys, this is Gaia. Gaia, Harry and Leigh-Anne.” Zayn introduced.

“Oh thanks, Zayn, because I’d never have recognised them, what with their faces plastered all over every tabloid in town.” Gaia teased, smiling at us and we reciprocated politely, trying not to seem pretentious. Gaia was olive-skinned and had dark, wavy, brown hair that came down to her waist. Her large eyes were a chestnut brown and her bee-stung lips were cherry red.

“So what do you do, Gaia?” Leigh-Anne asked.

“I just started my third year of business and economics at LSE. I also work part-time at the Tate Modern.”

“LSE? Well,” I said to Zayn, “you always did say you wanted someone intelligent. And she’s into art too. She’s perfect, Zayn.”

He beamed proudly.

“Yeah, she is.” He agreed, staring affectionately into her eyes. She giggled a little embarrassedly and he pressed his lips lightly to hers, caressing her rose-tinted cheeks.

“Now who’s nauseating?” Leigh-Anne teased.

“You called them nauseating?” Gaia asked, pulling away. Zayn shrugged.

Unexpected (a Harry Styles/Leigh-Anne Pinnock - Leigharry - fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now