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Wednesday, May.5th----Raining+Lightning+Thunder---9:00pm

"River Myles, get your cute little butt back here!" Daddy was screaming at me, chasing me around the main floor of his house. I was only in one of daddy's light blue t-shirts and a finding nemo pull-up.

I giggled at daddy, my light blue planet paci falling out of my mouth. It was clipped to "my" shirt so all I had to do was move my arm a little bit and pop it back in.

Daddy froze, out of breath, making me pause as well.

Oopsie, mwaybe I's wan a wittle twoo fwast. Tee hee.

Daddy straightened his postor and crossed his arms over his chest, giving me a stern look. Feeling bratty, I mimicked his stance, giggling.

"Baby boy, don't you dare copy daddy right now." He said this in his daddy voice, making my stance faulter.

I turned my gaze to the floor, dreading my un-deniable fate.

"Come here, baby." He sternly said, moving his left hand from his chest and pointing with his large index finger straight down in front of him at the floor.

I gulped, frozen in fear.

"I'm going to count to three and if you aren't infront of me, you'll be getting a second punishment, baby."

I didn't move from my place, wanting to test my boundaries and his patience.

Eider way I's gwet a pwunishmwent. Daddy wooks swo angwy. Tee hee.

"One." A momentary pause, waiting for signs of movement.

I don't dare move. As I stand there, his face becomes more and more red, by the second. It provides me with joy and I accidentaly let a tiny giggle slip, making daddy raise an eyebrow towards me.

"Two." Another momentary pause.

I still don't move.

I slip out of headspace.

Punishment here I come.

Daddy lets out a somewhat dissapointed sigh, "Three."

He slowly starts walking towards me, each step increasing my fear.

Once he reaches me he calmly asks, "How old are you baby?"

I think for a second before I slowly respond, "16."

He lets out a breath, "So you're fully big?"

I nod, still fearing the waiting punishment that fate has instore for me.

"You get 15 minutes naughty step, if you stay in naughty step we can watch Voltron before bed, okay?"

I nod, glancing at the clock on the wall as we pass it on our way to the staircase.


Once we get to the wooden staircase I sit on the third to last step, resting my elbow upon my knee that's pulled up against my chest. I lightly put my chin atop of my open palm and stare at the wall, noticing the new paint is still glossy in certain places.

This house was just newly renovated a couple months ago. Doesn't surprise me.

Somewhere within my 15 minutes on the step, I got lost within my own thoughts. So much so, that I didn't even hear or acknowledge Marcus calling out for me.

When I finally became "conscious" again, I came face to face with Marcus's open palm waving in front my face. I blushed a deep crimson.

I looked up at him and asked, "Can we watch voltron now?"

He chuckled and responded, "Of course baby." He reached out, offering me his hand. I accepted it and we made our way to the sofa.

We sat down, our bodies laid out on along the length of the sofa. I sat with my body in between Marcus's legs and my back against his chest. He had his arms wrapped securely around my waist, his head placed on shoulder. I layed my own head against his as we enjoyed the children's show in front of us.

A few episodes later, it got to my favorite part, "We had a bonding moment! I cradled you in my arms!"

Marcus chuckled and I turned to look at him. I gave him an angry look and he responded with, "What? You're being cute. Am I not supposed to chuckle when faced with undeniable cuteness? You're like a little kitten." We both bursted out laughing at the last bit.

And that's how our nights have been lately. I spend the week at Marcus's house and he spends the weekends at my house. We even have a drawer of the other's clothes in our dressers in our rooms. A drawer in his containing some of mine, even though I usually just wear one of his shirts and either short shorts or panties, which I know he loves. There's a drawer in my dresser that has a few different options and a couple pairs of boxers in it.

I lightly kiss his cheek as we drift off into a peaceful slumber on the sofa. The last thing I remember being someone flinging a soft blanket over us.

I truly love this boy.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

If you haven't already, go watch Voltron: Legendary Defender.

It's on Netflix. I don't know if any other streaming platforms have it available or not.


word count:  815

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