Chapter 8

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It's been 5 months since Rose and Ace got together. Eyeball said this has been the longest time he's ever been with a girl. And the nicest he's treated one. Anyone who knew Ace no longer flirts with her. The last time someone did try to flirt and ended up grabbing her butt, Ace and the gang hospitalised him. He made sure everyone knew who Rose belonged to

There she was, in his bed. Trying to catch her breath. Ace rolled off to the side with a huff. His chest was heaving as he tried to catch his breath.

She could still feel the ghost of his hands on her neck, a grip that would no doubt leave bruises. It takes her one hell of a time to cover them up.

Ace turned to the table and lit a cigarette. Rose watched him light up and inhaled. There was something undeniably hot about watching him smoke Rose always thought. He blew a stream of smoke into the air. A familiar feeling hit her core.

Ace turned his head, about to say something but stopped himself when he saw the look on her face. He smirked "Shit."

"What?" she asked. But Ace doesn't answer.

She pushes up on her elbows while covering her chest with the blankets. "What? What is it? Don't be an ass, Ace, tell me."

"You're a fuckin' horny bitch, doll."

Her eyes widened slightly. "I don't know what you mean."

"Don't be like that. I know that look." Ace put the cigarette in the ashtray and grabbed her face. "You're still needy, even after I just fucked you. Admit it: you want more."

She clenched her jaw and looked away. Like hell, she was gonna give him the satisfaction. Even if he was right. Ace took her chin. He raised an eyebrow as if to say well? She bit her lip slightly.

Ace tutted. "Such a stubborn doll. Did it cross your mind that if ya fucking admitted it, I might help you out?"

"I know you, Ace. You ain't that nice."

"I can be nice if I wanna." he rolled her eyes

She shook her head, "Is that so?"

Ace bit his lip and rolled on top of her. He caged her in with his arms, his nose brushing hers. "Don't believe me?" he asked

She turns away. "I need to get ready for work soon."

"Don't change the subject." He pinned her down with his hips, closing the distance between their bodies. "You want me, doll? All you gotta do is ask."

His hand snaked up her torso, between the valley of her breasts and before settling around her neck. That reminded her of what happened not five minutes ago and her breath hitches. Ace's eyes sparkled with mirth. He raised an eyebrow, smirking.

"You look so good with my hand around your neck. I bet you'd love it if I—" Ace tightened his grip, "did that."

She moans and grabbed his wrist; not to pull him off, but to keep him there. She was needy. She needed him. She wanted him.

"Please," she whispered.

"What was that?"

"P- Please...Ace, I need you."

He smirks and looks into her eyes "That's all you needed to say doll. C'mere."


After the morning events, Rose had to run to work. She was twenty minutes late. She greeted Gemma and hung up her bag ''Rose...I need to tell you something''

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