Chapter 20

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''Vince move your butt'' Rose told him as she tried to get past him, while he was kneeling on the ground cleaning a tyre on the car

Vince huffed and stood up, sarcastically bowing to her Rose put her fingers in the full bucket of water she was holding at flicked it at him while humming the lyrics to lollipop by The Chordettes that was on the radio

''Enough you two. Gotta get this baby ready for tomorrow'' Ace tapped the bonnet before sitting on the trailer

''Says you who's not doing anything'' Rose commented playfully while washing the car door

''I'm waiting for you assholes to hurry up so I can check the engine'' he glared

''Maybe you should've done that before we started cleaning the car'' Rose stood upright, facing him

Before Ace could reply, Eyeball slung an arm over Rose's shoulders ''Don't annoy him, he's stressed enough about tomorrow'' he looked down at her then at Ace, smiling playfully

''We all know he'll win though'' Rose smirked at Ace before turning around cleaning the rest of the car

Ace rolled his eyes as he took off his shirt, revealing his toned chest ''It's fuckin' hot out here''

After some time of waiting, the car was washed and polished ''You can check the engine now'' Rose told him

Ace nodded and lifted the bonnet, Charlie beside him

Rose sat on the trailer, dangling her legs while lighting a cigarette. Eyeball sat next to her ''What's up girl'' he asked as he got comfortable

''Nothing much, what about you Richie'' she joked

''Stop calling me that'' he whined

Rose shook her head ''It's cute. It suits you''

Eyeball chuckled, putting his face in his hands, lying back on the truck

Rose laughed with him and looked back at Ace, watching him as he leaned over, checking and cleaning the engine. She admired his toned chest, the way he rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand, his toothpick dangling from his mouth, his masculine features began to show. He was no longer a boy, he was a man. Her man

Rose's eyes then wandered to his tattoo, which made her think back to her conversation with Rita. Rose shook her head. What was so wrong for two lowlifes to be in love?

She flicked her cigarette on the ground, ruffling Eyeballs hair. She jumped off the trailer and going to her boyfriend's side, wrapping an arm around his lower torso then slowly letting go to rest her hands on the car, leaning over to see the engine

''I'm gonna use the phonebox I'll be right back'' she told him

Ace stood upright, looking down at her ''Take Eyeball with you'' he pointed at his friend, who looked like he fell asleep

''He's asleep. It's just down the street. I'll be ten minutes'' Rose told him

Ace scratched his forehead with the back of his hand ''Fine. If you don't come back in ten minutes I'm getting a search party''

Rose nodded and kissed his cheek, then sped walked to the phone box


Rose slammed the door behind her and dialled Gemma's number. She placed the phone to her ear and leaned on the small counter, clicking her tongue every so often

''Hello?'' A voice answered the phone

''Hey, Gemma'' Rose replied while smiling ''What's up''

''Rose!'' Gemma yelled through the phone, causing Rose to wince ''We haven't spoken in months!''

''I know! I miss you and Danny'' Rose replied, twirling her fingers with the wire ''How's the bubba doing?''

''He's a little shit. All he does is cry, shit, eat, sleep repeat. Being a mom is fuckin hard. Worth it though'' Gemma vented

After a while of chatting, Gemma spoke up ''I was thinking about coming over after the races to visit you''

''How do you know about the races?'' Rose asked

''You told me months ago''

''Since when did you have long term memory?''

''Shut up''

The girls laugh ''Sure I'd love that. I miss ya you know'' Rose chuckled

''Me too. How's frosty getting on?''

''He's good. He's in a mood today though. Just nervous about the race tomorrow''

''Tell him I wish him luck''

''Will do. I gotta go, my time's up'' Rose told her

''Okay, I'll see you whenever I come over with no warning'' Gemma chuckled

''Mhm see you then'' Rose replied playfully before hanging up

Rose hung the phone up and turned around to leave, but quickly groaned in pain. Holding her stomach and leaning against the wall, she lifted her shaky hand and felt her breast 'Shit' she thought. 'It couldn't be' she thought 'No no no what if it is''

Rose regained her balance as the pain went away. She stepped out of the phonebox and headed to the convenience store

Buying a Pepsi and stealing a pregnancy test, hiding it in the waistband of her shorts, she sped walked to Eyeballs field


Once Rose made it, Ace put his shirt back on ''Where the hell were you''

''I went to get a Pepsi'' she replied ''You look better with it off'' She smirked at him

Ace smirked and smacked her butt as she got in the driver's side of the car ''Where's the boys''

Ace pushed her gently to the passenger ''Half of them fucked off I don't know where, Eyeball and Charlie went fishing, the others went to the bar'' He shut the door and started the car

''Where are we going'' Rose asked

''Let's go fuck somewhere'' Ace smirked, his hand rested on her inner thigh, near the hidden test

Rose smirked back, pulling his hand away. She sat on her knees and whispered in his ear ''Let's do it at home. It's more comfortable and we can do it longer'' she brushed his hair with her fingers

Ace grinned mischievously ''Okay'' his hands roamed her sides ''we'll do it at home'' he copied

Rose smiled and sat back down on the seats


''What are you doing'' Ace said in a loud voice so Rose could hear in the next room

''F-fixing my hair'' Rose lied. She was on her knees in front of the toilet, puking her guts up while trying to be quiet about it

She flushed the toilet once she was done and stood up, brushing her teeth then washing her hands. She then pushed the toilet lid down and sat on it, pulling out the pregnancy test she got from the convenience store

She held it with both hands in front of her, staring at it. She shook her head and threw it to the other side of the room

''What was that'' Ace asked

''I dropped my hairbrush'' she lied, picking it up then hiding it behind the sink on the ground

''You've been in there forever. Are you okay doll?'' Ace asked, his voice was now definitely behind the door

Rose's head shot up to the door then standing up quietly, grabbing her brush and brushing her hair

Opening the door, revealing Ace who sighed in relief ''What were you doing?'' he asked

Rose smirked and placed the brush down, before walking past him ''Getting ready for you''

''Why'' he asked, with a cheeky grin while following her

''I'm your good luck gift for tomorrow'' She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his lips hungrily

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