Chapter 23

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A/N - Hey everyone I finally updated! Just warning you this chapter is a little intense and a bit distressing. Hope you enjoy and also, after I finish the book should I mention to what happens to all the characters at the end (Like how they did it in the movie) Let me know. But anyways, enjoy! 

Ace looked over at his rival, who tried to knock him off the road ''Fucking asshole'' he mumbled to himself before going faster, knocking Thomas's car nearly pushing him off the road

Thomas hit his steering wheel in anger as Ace was ahead yet again ''Ace you fuckin asshole!'' he yelled as he finally caught up with him

Ace smirked and faced Thomas, throwing the remaining beer in his bottle in his face earning a scream from Thomas

''You fucking cheater'' he yelled as Ace finally got Thomas off the road

Ace couldn't hear him, he sped faster back to the finish line. Then everyone will know not to fuck with the one and only Ace Merrill.

Everyone cheered as Ace Merrill's car was the first to come back. He jumped out of the car, the cobra's circled him while cheering and congratulating him. Ace smirked at the piss kings who could only glare at him

''Where's Rose'' Ace yelled to Eyeball, over the noise

Eyeball looked at him hesitantly

''What is it'' Ace yelled again

''You uh might want to come with me, man'' he yelled back

''No, I want to know where my girl is'' Ace replied, the noise finally calming down and more people listened in

''She knows that she was apart of the deal'' Eyeball sighed

Ace stood still for a moment, processing what Eyeball told him''Shit'' he murmured before getting into his car to look for Rose


Rose sat on the floor in the toilets in Irby's. With a pregnancy test next to her. She buried her face in her knees, waiting to pick it up.

She looked up at the ceiling, mentally praying that it would be negative. Taking a deep breath, slowly exhaling with her eyes closed she picked it up

Her breathing got heavier as she looked at the test.

She put the pregnancy test in the trash and stormed out of the toilets

''Two large bottles of vodka'' She told Liz

Liz studied her ''Why'' she asked

''Because me and my friends want a drink and we want it now'' she replied, biting her tongue

Liz shook her head, knowing something was wrong ''In the state you are in now, I'm not serving you. And I've already served you god knows how many beers'' she told her ''But you can talk to me about anything you know that'' she went to take Rose's hand but she pulled away

''Fuck you then'' she spat and stormed out of the bar


Rose marched down the road to Ace's, making sure everyone knew she was in no mood for talking. he crossed the road without looking, earning looks of off an angry driver, which Rose gave the fingers too

''Rose what are you doing'' A voice behind her asks

It was Ace, who was in his car driving at the speed of her walking

''Fuck you Ace'' Rose yelled

''Baby you know I wouldn't do that'' he told her

''Oh yeah'' Rose said sarcastically, not turning around ''We're over''

Before Ace could reply, the sound of thunder came from the sky. He looked back to Rose ''Get in the fucking car. I know how much you hate thunder''

Rose had her arms wrapped around her, trying to keep her warm and to comfort her from the thunder. She quickly ran up to the small house Ace and her shared, unlocking the door

Ace parked his car, before jumping out of it. Rose ran in the house before locking it behind her, since she had the keys

''Open the door'' Ace banged on the door

''Nope'' Rose yelled back, picking up his spare knife while sitting on the couch, taking deep breaths as she put the knife to her wrist

Ace banged harder as the rain began to get heavy, the sky turned a sad grey

''You know I wouldn't let him touch you'' he yelled, banging harder

Rose then opened a small cupboard, stealing two big bottles of vodka from his stash

''We need to talk about this, open the fucking door'' Ace yelled again

Rose suddenly opened the door, nearly making Ace fall ''We're done'' she told him, shoving past him and walking outside

''Where the fuck do you think you're going'' Ace yelled, following her

Rose shrugged her shoulders, taking a swig from one bottle then the other. She stood on the main road, twirling around in the pouring rain, taking swig after swig

Ace marched up to her and grabbed her by her shoulders ''I'm taking you home'' he yelled

''Fuck off Ace'' Rose yelled, pushed him off

Ace grabbed a bottle of vodka she had in her hand and smashed it on the road'' I hate you'' she cried

''Calm down-'' Ace started, trying to hold her shoulders

''I hate you I hate you I hate you'' she yelled ''Oh and the baby hates you too''

''What'' he asks, his heart beating faster ''Why are you bleeding'' he looks at her wrist

Rose laughed with tears streaming down her face ''Oh yes I forgot to tell you'' she grinned ''I'm pregnant'' she said, in almost a whisper ''With your kid'' she pointed at him

She laughed again at his confused face that soon turned to anger ''Stop fucking with me. I know you ain't''

''The pregnancy test says otherwise'' she said in a singing voice ''don't worry I'll get rid of it. In fact, I'll kill myself since I have nothing to live for'' she slowly twirled around again

''Shut up. Your not pregnant and you have lots to live for'' Ace yelled, grabbing her again. Rose leaned in and kissed him hungrily, taking Ace off his guard

''I love you, Ace'' she yelled ''But I fucking hate you more'' she laughed

The rain began to slowly stop, Rose let go of Ace then started to giggle ''What's so funny'' Ace asked, now getting annoyed

''My old friend Rita told me once that only love can make me this crazy and this fucking stupid. How right she was'' she smiled at him before dancing on the road again

''Rose'' Eyeball yelled

Rose looked in his direction then turned around a car was coming her way, she looked back at Ace who was too shocked to do or say anything

She didn't know what happened next, there was only darkness. She wasn't in pain anymore.

Video games (Ace Merrill ff)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora