Chapter 10

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Warning - Mentions of the F slur and the mention of Rape

''You almost done yet'' Ace asked as he sat in the small bathroom, having a smoke while Rose was on her tiptoes, leaning against the wall while trimming his hair

''Almost'' she replied as she trimmed the top ''done''

''Thanks, dollface'' he grabbed her by the hips and pulled her close to him.

Rose wrapped her arms around his shoulders ''Your welcome. I gotta get ready for work'' she smirked down at him

Ace rolled his eyes. Rose cocked her head to the side slightly ''What? We gotta make money somehow''

''Mhmp'' he answered her

Rose rolled her eyes playfully as she let go of him, and went to their now shared room. She pulled out a tight red and white striped blouse and high waisted shorts. She pulled Ace's shirt she stole over her head and got dressed

''I could get used to this'' Ace smirked

Rose rolled her eyes playfully ''Remember your not picking me up from my shift because of my hair appointment, I'll meet you at Eyeballs and remember to pick Billy up from his girlfriends and do not get into any fights today, okay?''

Ace snaked his arms around her waist from behind, venturing one of his hands up to her breast, his head leaning on her shoulder ''I won't'' he mumbled

Rose smiled to herself. She thought he'd say a sarcastic remark or a snarky comment

She gently pushed him off her and grabbed her hair and makeup bag. She sat on the bed in front of the mirror while Ace got dressed. She brushed her hair and applied her natural makeup. She grabbed her leather jacket

''Ready to go'' Ace asked

Rose nodded and they went to his car


''Mornin' Irbs'' Rose said cheerfully as she took off her jacket and hung it up as always

Irby nodded at her and didn't say anything about the nickname. He had grown used to it by now

After a few hours of cleaning sides, stocking up, cleaning glasses. Rose cleaned the pool sticks as Marcus walked in, this time without his guitar ''Hey Rose'' he walked up to her ''I have something to tell you''

''Hey, Marcus. what's up'' Rose smiled at him

''I'm off'' Irby said and waved as he left the bar. Rose waved back then looked at Marcus again

''I passed my test. Looks like I'll be getting into my dream college in north Indiana'' he replied

''Oh my god I'm so happy for you'' Rose said excitedly and hugged him, then slowly pulled away ''But we're hardly gonna see each other'' she said quietly

Marcus turned into a bright shed of pink ''Thanks, and don't worry I'll visit. Speaking of visiting, there's something I need to ask you''

''Sure what is it'' Rose smiled

''Well...I've been thinking a lot, about-''

He was interrupted by the door chiming and four boys walking into the bar. Marcus turned around annoyed but was faced with the one and only Ace Merrill

''Hey babe'' Rose smiled as she put the pool stick down

''Is this faggot annoying you'' he raised a brow while chewing a toothpick while his friends laughed

''Ace'' Rose warned

Marcus breathed heavily

''We were only kidding. You're not actually a faggot, are you'' he smirked at Marcus

Video games (Ace Merrill ff)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ