Chapter 11

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Warning - smut, violence and one use of F slur

Ace woke up with his girl in his arms. She looked so peaceful. He moved a strand of her hair from her face. As much as he hated to admit, she was all he cared about. And he loved her. Many people would suspect that he didn't trust her. He trusts her alright, but he didn't trust others around her.

Especially the incident that occurred the night before. He would make sure nothing like that happens again.

He stroked her cheek gently. How could a girl make him go so soft? He didn't know. And he would make sure he'd only be soft for her. And to make people fear and respect him. But he wasn't planning on letting the one thing that kept him going disappear.

Rose's hazel brown eyes fluttered open to meet Ace's icy blue ones ''Why were you watching me sleep'' she smiled softly

''I just woke up'' Ace replied with his deep morning voice that he knew made Rose go crazy

''It's my day off, what we doing today'' Rose asked

''We'll get some drinks with the boys, maybe play a game of mailbox baseball. Shit like that''

Rose nodded ''Rose'' Ace grabbed her chin gently ''Are you sure that's all that happened'' he asked

Rose knew what he was talking about. She bit the inside of her cheeks ''Yeah, yeah that's all that happened''

''Are you sure'' Ace asked, clearly worried

''I'm sure, babe. Please don't do anything that will make you spend a night or more in a cell''

Ace ignored her plead. ''We should get up now'' he said

Before he could roll over to get up, Rose stopped him. She grabbed his arm. He slowly laid back next to her, facing her ''What''

Rose leaned over and kissed his lips softly. She pulled away from him a little ''I want you, Ace''

Ace sat up, making Rose back down ''We can't. Not after what happened-''

''I don't care what happened last night'' Rose interrupted ''Your not him. You're my boyfriend, I trust you and I want to have sex with you'' she told him

He didn't show it, but he was so glad that she trusted him. He would make sure he would never betray her trust.

Ace nodded ''But if you want to stop, tell me'' he said in a serious tone

Rose nodded. Ace put a hand on her thigh and kissed her lips. Rose kissed back, putting a hand in his hair and the other on his chest. Ace took off her shirt and got on top, kissing down her lips to her jaw, to her chest while his hands slowly went up to her calves, to her thighs, then to her panty line.

''D-don't tease me'' Rose panted

''Who makes the rules around here dollface'' he raised a brow as a hand slowly slid into her panties

Rose's body jerked slightly at the feeling of Ace's cold hand ''y-you'' Rose submitted to him

''Good girl'' Ace said in a deep voice as he rubbed her clit in circles

Rose's eyes rolled to the back of her head. ''Look at me dollface'' with Ace's free hand, he grabbed her chin and made her look at him

Rose moaned louder as he inserted two fingers into her. Ace covered her mouth and pinched her nose with his hand, pumping his fingers in and out of her as hard as he could

Rose's muffled moans grew louder while she tried to breathe. Ace let go of her nose and mouth. Rose gasped and tried to catch up to her breathing ''I-I'm gonna cum'' she squeaked

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