Chapter 21

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Hey everyone! Your girls back after surviving the practice exams!!! Hope ya'll enjoyed your summer too, by the way! 

I'm gonna warn you - this chapter is short. But the next chapter will be worth your while, I promise. And I have also tried to keep this as historically accurate as possible. Sorry again for the late and short ass update. Ily all xo

''Remember to meet me at-''

''Twelve sharp at the backroad, I know'' Rose interrupted Ace, smiling at him

Ace smiled back at her as she handed him a beer from the fridge. She sat on his lap, brushing her fingers through his hair ''You'll win. I know you will''

''Oh I will'' he replied, his arms snaked around her waist ''I expect a good luck kiss from you. Not like I need good luck'' he told her smugly

Rose chuckled slightly ''Sure babe, sure''

''Why can't we just go together ''He mumbled as he kissed her neck gently

Rose smiled softly, rubbing the back of his neck lightly ''I can't go looking like this. Plus I wouldn't wanna distract you''

''You always distract me'' he murmured, before moving away from her neck. He tapped her butt lightly ''Go get all dolled up for me doll, I'll see you then okay''

Rose got off of him, tying her hair into a low ponytail ''Yes sir''

Ace stood up grabbing her hips, grinding his crotch on hers making Rose gasp ''When I win'' he whispered, wrapping an arm securely around her waist with the other firmly on her butt ''We'll have the best sex. We're gonna fuck in every single room, got it?''

Rose nodded, her face turning slightly red as he let go of her ''Good'' he smirked as he let go of her ''I'll see you later'' he smashed his lips onto hers before walking out the door

Rose sighed with relief, before turning around to go to her bedroom


Shakily picking up the pregnancy test, Rose shoved it into her handbag. She looked into the mirror. Wearing black leather shorts, with a red crop top, her hair fell over her shoulders with curls at the bottom, wearing a dark polka dot hairband

Locking the door behind her, she turned to her left. A small group of boys yelled her name, waving to her

Rose waved back and smiled, she turned to her right and began to walk to the 'race track'

Kicking a stone as she walked, she kept thinking about the test. She knew she needed to take it before it was too late. And if she was pregnant, she needed to get rid of it. Quick. No one accepted a couple who were having a baby if they weren't married. Both her and Ace would lose everything

Rose was snapped out of her thoughts as Billy ran up to her ''Hey girl you came'' he smiled at her

''I wouldn't miss this for the world'' she hugged him ''Where's Ace'' she asked, looking around the crowd of people

''He's at the cars'' he exclaimed ''There's a lot of people here''

''How many'' Rose asked

''Around 120, all the low lives are here'' he chuckled at his very true joke ''Should I escort you to him'' he smiled playfully

''Sure'' Rose smiled as Billy took her arm, leading her to Ace

Ace leaned against his car next to eyeball, having a cigarette. He looked up at Billy and Rose ''About time'' he smirked at her

Rose rolled her eyes before hugging Eyeball, then faced Ace wrapping her arms around his neck. Ace wrapped an arm around her waist, the other holding the cigarette in his mouth

''Ace, the asshole's here'' Charlie ran up to the small group

Rose dropped her arms from his neck ''Good luck babe'' she smiled at him

Ace grabbed the back of her neck gently, lifting her head slightly before smashing his lips on hers. Rose kissed back

Eyeball rolled his eyes, throwing his cigarette aggressively. Ace finally let go ''I don't need luck'' he smirked at her ''C'mon boys, lets meet that prick over there''

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