Chapter 24

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Alex was awoken by the sounds of balled up fists banging against the door of the apartment. She stood up from her bed to see what all the noise was about. She walked down the hallway and seen her sister standing at the door with Isaac

"Isaac. Doors are for during the day" She said groggily

"What the hell have you been doing?" He asked

"Sleeping. What the hell are you doing?" Allison  asked in return to his rather obvious question

"You didn't get any calls or texts?" He asked

Allison whirled around without a word she walked back to her room, her sister and the wolf following behind.

She grabbed her phone off her night stand and frowned "My phone's off. I never turn my phone off" she told them

She turned her phone on and was met by half a million message

She looked up at Isaac after reading the last message about soles "Sleepwalking? Is he okay?" She asked

Alex perked awake "Wait what?"

He nodded "Yeah, they found him a few minutes ago. They're bringing him to the hospital" he replied

"Who?" Alex asked

"Stiles" Isaac muttered

Without saying a word Alex rushed to her room, she noticed a few missed calls "my phone was on silent. I didn't hear a thing. I never put it on silent"

"Alex. I need help I don't know where I am I think my leg is in a bear trap. Please pick up" stiles whimpered down the phone

"It's me again. I'm scared please answer"

"I called Scott he answered but my phones about to-.."

Alex grabbed a pair of leggings from her drawer. She dropped her pajama pants and kicked on the black leggings, she grabbed a zip up hoodie and threw it over her shoulders, zipping it up over her old shirt.

She walked into her sister room "Listen. I'm gonna go see stiles okay" she said as she pinned her hair up

"Are you sure?" Allison asked

"Yeah. I need to see if he's okay"  Alex nodded
She breathed "My phone was on silent, I never Do that. I missed all his calls, now he's-..

"Alex it's okay" Allison nodded "go see him" she smiled softly


Alex walked swiftly down the hallways of the hospital, she spotted Lydia and Scott and walked quickly over to them.

Scott stood up "Where have you been. I've been calling?" He asked

"My phone was on silent, I didn't hear the calls. " she replied "Is he okay?" She asked

𝙎𝘼𝘾𝙍𝙄𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙀𝙎  // 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙨𝙠Where stories live. Discover now