Chapter 2

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(4 Years Later)

(Maddie's P.O.V.)

I was now 17 and Harry and I spoke the first couple of months, but then he just stopped. I tried texting and calling him, but he would never answer. Then one time I called him his phone wasn't in service, so I assumed he got a new phone. That was my last attempt to communicate with Harry I just gave up on him. All of that happened when I first moved to West High Heights. It has been four years since I moved and I am still adjusting to the new house. Since I moved her I met my best friend her name is Brielle and my other friends Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall. I am currently in a relationship with Zayn and I love him so much, I can't even explain how much I love him. We started dating in the beginning of our junior year and have been going strong ever since. I just hope Zayn feels the same way about me too.

Today I have English first period and I had it with Zayn, Niall, and Brielle. I am so happy to see Zayn today I haven't seen him since Friday and now it is Monday. As I walked into class I saw the back of an unfamiliar person then I remembered that we were getting a new teacher because our other teacher Mrs. Reign left to have her baby. All I saw was the back of the new teachers head then I turned back to my friends to see that Zayn was smiling at me and had saved a seat for me too.

"Ok, class I am going to be your new teacher for the rest of the year, my name is Mr. Styles.

Wait that voice it sounds so familiar to me and his name it can't be. I slowly lifted my head and I saw Harry it was him it was really Harry and he was staring back at me. I quickly turned to Zayn and started talking to him. By now Harry or should I say Mr. Styles had started to take attendance.

(Mr. Styles P.O.V.)

When I looked up and introduced myself there was this girl just staring at me. I don't even know why I mean she kind of looked familiar, but I don't know if I ever saw her before. I started to take attendance going down the list of names.

1. Emily Baker
2. Sarah Brown
3. Maddie Demps

I immediately froze once I said that name. All the memories rushed back to me. It was her I had stopped talking to her. I don't even know why I just felt betrayed that she just left me so I wanted her to suffer. Geez why did I do that that is probably the worst mistake I have ever made in my twenty years of life. The kids started to talk amongst themselves snapping me back to reality. I can't be thinking about her what we had was in the past and it must stay in the past no one can know about our friendship. No matter how badly I want to hold her in my arms and tell her everything is going to be alright and that I am here for her and I shouldn't have ever let her go.....

No one.....

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