Chapter 6

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I was currently at my locker getting my books ready for the day to come. I really didn't want to see Harry after that little incident. Almost everyone was out of the hallway by now and I was still getting my books.

            "Answer me why you always take forever at your locker," Brie said standing next to me.

            "Oh hey Brielle...Good morning to you to," I said sarcastically.

            "Oh did I forget to say good morning to you when we walked to school together," she said.

            "Hahaha very funny, I'm done now so we can get to homeroom,"


            We finally reached homeroom and we sat in the back where we could talk. Brielle was talking about something, but I couldn't stop talking about Harry and what happened that day which seemed like forever ago, but was only yesterday. I got so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Brielle was now waving her hand in front of my face.

            "Did you hear what I just said," she stated clearly annoyed.

            "Oh sorry no what was it again."

            "I said I can wait until English,"

            "And why is that," I asked confused.

            "Because Mr. Styles is the teacher—and he is hot —and his hair is perfect —he is like 20 or something —-his hazel eyes are too die for —and,"

             Before she could continue on with anymore of her ranting I cut her off.

            "But he is also our teacher," I said also reminding myself why it can't be like old times with me and Harry.

            "Yeah I know but it can't hurt to dream once in a while," she said.

            We both started cracking up.

            Before I knew it, it was already time for English. I hope it won't be too awkward. I was sitting next to Zayn, and he had his arm draped around my shoulder. I turned to him and leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. I didn't even notice that Harry...err Mr. Styles had even walked into the room.

            "No PDA Ms. Demps or I will have to send you to the office this is your first and last warning I hope," he harshly said.

            Geez what was that all about it's like he did it on purpose or something. All during class I was bored out of my mind because Mr. Styles was just teaching us about something stupid and he was making it so boring. I wouldn't mind his lesson if as soon as he got into the classroom he didn't yell at me. Throughout the whole period all he was doing was giving me the cold shoulder and being really rude might I add. He was being an ass if I might say so myself even Zayn and Brielle agreed with me. But they had no idea what I was going through just sitting in class looking at Harry who used to be my best friend. He used to be my world and je just threw it all away for what nothing. How could he treat me as if I were nothing. He just threw our friendship out the door like he didn't even give a crap. And right now he certainly wasn't trying to make it up to me he was just making it worse. I felt like I wanted to cry and scream and sleep all at the same time. Geez this boy was annoying the hell out of me I couldn't stop thinking about him and I don't think I wanted to stop either.

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