Chapter 7

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                       (Maddie's P.O.V.)

                Finally lunch detention was over. The room was overflowing with tension and awkward silence. I was literally at the point where I could just rip all of my hair out. I didn't even bother eating; besides I wasn't in the mood to either. The rest of the day was miserable. I basically flipped at almost everyone who tried talking to me in the hallway, in the classroom, at the lockers. I got more miserable by the minute and that was all thanks to the one and only Harry Styles. At least it was last period and then I could go home and not be surrounded by people.

         "Maddie," Mrs. Heart said.

         "Maddie," she said again.

        "What," I said back mostly because I wasn't paying attention.

        "Excuse me, but I don't think I like you tone," Lunch detention for a week." She added.

       "What. How. Why. I did nothing but ask a simple question,"

       "Want to make that two weeks," she said waving he abnormally long finger at me.

        "No," were the only words I could say.

               If I said more I would explode and start yelling at everyone, but I didn't want to have lunch detention for another week so I kept my mouth shut. As soon as the bell rang I rushed to my locker, grabbed my things, and rushed home. I don't understand why or how I got a week of lunch detention, but whatever. I threw my bag onto the ground and walked to the kitchen to get a snack. I opened up the cabinet and got a bag of chips out and went into the fridge and got a soda. I then stomped my way upstairs to my room. As soon as I plopped onto my bed I received a text. It was from Zayn.

Zayn: I'm sorry

Me: Sorry for what?

Zayn: I'm breaking up with you...

Me: What?!?! Why?!?

Zayn: I don't have feelings for you anymore. I found someone better.

Me: Oh so you found someone better is that so. So I was never good enough then. If that was the case you should have told me from day one and not months later. It doesn't even matter because I don't need you in my life to make me happy I have other people that truly care about me and not just someone who came along for the ride. So goodbye. It has been a real pleasure knowing you.

Zayn: 😐

"Ughhh how could this day get any worse," I yelled in annoyance.

                 I decided to turn off my phone completely to try and ignore the world around me. I didn't have anything to do or anyone to talk to so I just turned on Netflix and started watching a random movie. It's funny how I don't even care they Zayn and I aren't together anymore. I thought I would be devastated, crying for days, but no I really could care less. I just want to get some rest and not think about anything that happened today. I just want to forget it even happened. Forget I ever dated Zayn. Forget Harry was my teacher. And most of all forget Harry used to be my best-friend.

          **Hey peeps sorry I haven't updated in two months. But I promise I will try to update more since its Summer. Anyways sorry for the short chapter. Vote and comment. Expect longer update soon!!!! Also sorry if this chapter seems a bit rushed. I will try to slow things down in the next chapter.

                                                                    PEACE OUT✌✌✌✌

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