Chapter 10

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I was already late to the sleepover and I wasn't about to let Harry ruin my mood again. I put on my best smile and walked up to Brielle's house. When she opened the door I was greeted by a giant bear hug from Niall. Lucky for me he didn't have any food in his mouth or on his hands.
"Well let's get the party started," Niall said as soon as I was inside of the house.
"Yeah I'm starving," I finally said. In all honesty it was the truth because I didn't eat at the cafe and I didn't eat when I got home from school I was to busy I guess, but busy doing what.

But I didn't even feel like eating either I was just worried about Harry. Ugh why can't I stop thinking about him and his stupid face, but then again his face isn't stupid  he just carries that stupid smirk on his face sometimes. But at the same time his smirk was just as beautiful as his face. His perfectly carved jawline, long curly hair, his eyes, muscles.... I was interrupted by Brielle calling my name over and over again.

"I ordered pizza its on the kitchen table if you want any, that is if Niall didn't already finish eating the entire thing," she said motioning to the kitchen.

"It's fine I'm actually not that hungry anymore, so if Niall wants it he can have it. I think I'm just going to go lay down on the couch for a while, I'm not feeling to good,"I said collapsing onto the couch.
Maybe I should just go home to let what just happened at the cafe to sit in. Did I really not want Harry in my life? Well I did want him in my life at one point of time, but he didn't want me and that completely destroyed me. Maybe it was all a mistake telling Harry I didn't want to be bothered with him and that I could never forgive him for what he did. But then again I only did it to prevent certain consequences. Was I really willing to risk everything just to be friends with Harry again who is still my teacher. At this points I didn't know anymore I feel like the weight of everything is just to much to bear and I'm tired of being mad at Harry all the time.

"I have to go, I forgot to take my dogs it for a walk," I quickly said rushing to the door.

"Dogs?!?!? You don't even have any pets," Niall said from the kitchen.

"Well now I do," I quickly said already half way out the door.

I jumped in my car and sped down the street to try and find Harry. The only problem was I didn't  know where he was.

I was mad, sad, hurt every single emotion that I felt was terrible. I just wanted things to go back to how they were, but I guess Maddie had a point there were to many consequences and to many things that could go wrong. Although I was willing to take those risks I guess she just wasn't ready to. I hadn't left the cafe yet and it was getting ready to close, so I got up from the table and walked outside to sit on one of those benches. It was still nice outside just a little wind. Just sitting here was boring me so I got up yet again and started to walk down the street to where I had no idea. She was all I could think about and I just wanted to clear my head for at least a minute and think about something else like food or something, but then again I didn't. I guess I thought that the more I thought about her the more I figured she would come back and admit that she was wrong and she actually did care about me the way I cared about her.

I didn't know where he was or where he was lived, so I decided to go back to he cafe and start from there. As I drove through the quiet darkness I started to think more and more about what I was doing. I was going to find Harry. That's what I was doing, but what was I going to do after that. What was I going to do once I found him? I guess I'll just have to figure that out when I get there.

I was beginning to get tired and though of just going home, but what if she came back for me? What if she really did care? Too bad none of those things are true...I was about four blocks from the cafe which is where my car was parked and to top everything off it started to rain. I was already in a bad mood and the rain just made it even worse. It started to rain harder and my hair was sticking to my face. I tried walking faster because I didn't want to be in the rain anymore I just wanted to go home and go to sleep. This night just seemed to drag on and I wanted it to be morning already.

I finally reached the cafe, but it was closed and I don't think that Harry would be walking around in this kind of weather. I drove into the parking lot and parked my car. I didn't want to drive home just yet. I thought it was strange that there was still a car here especially when the cafe was closed. But the. Again I'm just sitting here doing nothing. I pulled out my phone and started to text Brielle explaining why I left so suddenly. I put my seat all the way back and put some music on, I just wanted to try and clear my head. I closed my eyes while taking in the music that was playing in the background.

When I reached the parking lot there was another car parked next to mine, but it wasn't there when I had left. I walked up to my car soaking wet and cold. I probably looked like a crazy person, but I could care less at this point. I got into my car and shut the door behind me. I immediately turned the heat on to try and get a little warmer.  I turned and looked out the window. The car was still there and it looked like there was someone in there. The person was just laying there not moving. Were they okay? Did they need help? I decided to get out of my car to seem if they were alright. The rain has slowed down a bit and it was just drizzling out now. I knocked on the window and the person inside in the car jumped up. They looked familiar to familiar. Wait was that Maddie?

Someone just started knocking on my car window and it nearly scared me to death. I was really annoyed. Why would someone do something like that. I turned to look at the person. It was Harry??? Was I dreaming or was he really standing at my car window? I got out of my car and walked around to where he was standing.
"Harry," I asked still not sure.
"Maddie," he said in reply.
I didn't know what to do or say. I just walked closer to him and hugged him. I could tell he was a little surprised at first, but then he relaxed. No words needed to be said everything just felt like how it used to be like we never stopped being friends. At that moment I wasn't thinking about anything, I wasn't worried about all the consequences, all I was worried about was Harry.

Here's an update!!!

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