Chapter 9

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It took about 10 minutes to walk home and I couldn't stop thinking about what Liam wanted to tell me...I mean why couldn't he just tell me at Brie's house. Maybe it was too important and it couldn't wait. And why Rosa's café which was 15 minutes out of town. If I had to be there at 6 I would have to leave at 5:30 because it would take me at least a half an hour to reach the café.

    As I walked into my house I noticed the house was silent. My mom is probably still at work working overtime. I swear she works too much sometimes she just needs to take a break once in a while. I texted my mom that I would be leaving to sleepover Brie's house tonight and I would be home tomorrow. She texted back with an "Ok have fun kiddo" I just smiled and locked my phone and headed upstairs. As of right now it was 4 so I decided to grab some clothes for the sleepover.

    I packed a pair of shorts and a cami for pajamas, and then I packed a navy blue top with white shorts and baby blue converse. I put my makeup bag, phone charger, and some money into the bag also.

I felt sticky so I stripped out of my clothes and got into the shower. Once I was satisfied I got out, dried off, and brushed through my wet hair. I was too lazy to get dressed into something nice so I just through on a gray hoodie, black leggings, and gray uggs. I applied mascara to my eyes and that was about it. I checked my phone and saw that it was only 5. My hair was still wet and I was debating whether or not to blow dry my hair or not.

    I walked into my bathroom grabbed the blowdryer and started to dry my hair. I walked back into my room grabbed my phone, bag, and keys and made my way out the door locking it behind me and getting in my car. I turned my radio on and a random song started playing it was good so I left it on. After the considerably long drive, I finally pulled into the parking lot of Rosa's café. I quickly exited my car seeing that it was almost 6 already.

    As soon as I opened the door to the café the familiar scent of coffee hit me. I inhaled the fresh aroma and found a booth near the back. To pass the time I played on my phone for a while. I was on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Vine and just kept repeating. I checked the time to see that it was already 6:15 and still no Liam...I unlocked my phone and clicked onto the messaging app. I then clicked Liam's name.

Me: Hey...Liam I'm at the café now are you still coming?

Liam: Yeah I'll be there in 5

I didn't bother replying him, but instead went on Instagram looking through my newsfeed seeing new followers. I guess five minutes had passed because someone sat in the seat across from me. I was too busy on my phone to look up.


"Hey what did you need to talk to me about," I asked still staring down at my phone.

"Well, I wanted to talk about us," the person across from me said.


    I knew it wasn't Liam's voice it was all too familiar to be his. Instead the voice was deep and rough yet soothing at the same time. And his British accent didn't help to much either. I slowly began to look up from my phone.


    "Mr. Styles," I asked staring into his green eyes.

"Hello Ms. Demps,"

    "Maddie," I retorted back.

    "What are you even doing here, you're my teacher if you get caught both of us can get in trouble...I could get suspended and you... you could get arrested, what is the matter with you Harry do you really want to risk everything and it's not just your career your risking it's my future as well...I'm leaving goodbye Harry," I said trying to wrap my head around all the consequences of being caught with my teacher.

    Before I could get even a foot away from the table, harry grabbed my wrist. I turned around as I stared down at his hand. He finally let go and pleaded with me to listen to him. I hesitantly sat back down.

    "How did you even get my number...I thought I was texting Liam the whole time" I asked still confused.

    "Well Liam's mum and my mum are friends so we became friends so I asked if he could do me a favor because I knew if I had asked you to meet me here yourself you would never agree to it," he said.

"Well you're right I would have never agreed to come if I knew that it would be you here instead of Liam. Do you realize how much you have hurt me especially when you blamed everything on me? Trust me I didn't want to leave you I had no choice," I said as tears threatened to spill.

    "I know that's why I asked you to come here...I want to apologize and make things right between us. I'm tired of ignoring you and being mad at you. I just want things to go back to how they used to be. I want you to be my best friend again. I want to
spend every minute with you to make up for all those lost years. I just want it to be us again," he said and I could tell that he meant everything that he had said, but it can't be like old times as much as I wish we could go back to how we used to be we can't he is my teacher and I'm his student. It would be wrong.

    "I...I don't know Harry, I really do want us to be like how we used to be, but everything seems so complicated're my teacher and I'm your student we could get into a lot of trouble even if we are just friends," I admitted sadly looking at my hands. I wanted to cry and scream at how complicated the situation was.

    "I could quit that way it won't be complicated everything can go back to how it was or we could keep our friendship a secret," he finally said.

    As much as I liked that idea I didn't want to be the reason that he got into trouble or the reason for him quitting, I could tell that he enjoyed being a teacher and I couldn't stand for me being the reason that he would lose all of that.

    "No Harry, I don't want you to quit," I stared into his eyes.

    "Then if I don't quit we could just keep this whole thing a secret until you graduate," he said becoming hopeful.

    "No Harry," as much as it pained me to see him upset I had to do this for the both of us. I desperately wanted this to work between us, but I knew that it wouldn't so I had to put an end to this now.

"But why we could make this work, don't you want it to be like old times," I could tell he wanted us to work, but deep down he knew it wouldn't.

"I'm sorry Harry, I can't be friends with you and it can't be like how it used to be, things have changed and we aren't kids anymore, there are consequences and I'm not willing to take that risk, although I might seem selfish right now and it might seem like I'm only thinking about myself right now, I'm not I'm doing this for the both of us..." I said beginning to get up from my seat.

    "I know you want it to be like how it was when we were kids, we could make this work, just please give it a try...give us a chance," he pleadingly said reaching for my hand.

    "I'm sorry Harry, but I just can't," I quickly made my way out of the café and into my car.

    It hurt me so much to say no to Harry, but I was doing what was best for us. I couldn't risk it and I knew things wouldn't work out not everybody gets a happy ending and deep down I knew Harry knew that too. I started my car up and drove away. I drove away from Harry and it made me upset that he was hurting as much as I was. I had started crying halfway to Brie's house. I didn't want them to see me crying so I wiped my tears away and waited a couple minutes until the puffiness and redness under my eyes went away. No one could know how broken I was on the inside. Especially since the reason I was hurting was because of Harry...


I know I haven't updated in forever but hopefully you like it...

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