{1} In a Dream

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The cool air of the forest bites my skin, I try pulling my coat tighter around myself for warmth but my efforts are in vain.

I look up as I walk, the light of the full moon peaks through the snow dusted trees. The forest itself is almost completely silent aside from a slowly approaching metallic tapping.

I stop and turn in place attempting to place the strange sound, but it would seem that as I turn the sound moves with me, like the source is staying just out of my vision.

My breath hitches and my heart beat picks up, I feel like I'm being stared down by a rabid beast waiting for the right moment to tear me to pieces.

I stop turning and the tapping subsides, my breath catches in my throat as two hands grasp my shoulders firmly from behind. I quickly spin once more to meet my tormentor.

I look up and make eye contact with a man in neutral colored clothes and round sunglasses obscuring his eyes..

"Found you little rabbit"


My eyes snap open and I'm breathing heavily, I look around, desperately trying to take in my surroundings and emediently calm down when I realize I had been dreaming and I'm now safe on a train heading to a lovely cabin in the middle of the Romanian wilderness. The perks of having a stupid rich bestfriend I suppose.

Speaking of which, it's at that moment I realize my train car is completely empty aside from myself and the bags belonging to my friends and I, the aforementioned friends (Soren and Ritz) are no where to be seen.

But if I know the dipshits their probably smoking on the end of the train. I strech myself shaking off the pull of sleep and make my way out of the car and down the hall. Were second to last so it doesnt take long before I reach the door, peering out the window I see them, my two best friends chatting and smoking on the end of the train.

I open the door and step out into the cold air, the tempratylure change makes the memory of my dream come rushing back to me and I shiver.

"Thought I'd find you two out here, how much longer do we got to go?" I ask leaning on the metal rail next to Soren.

"Considering how long you where out," Soren starts, facing me, "only about another hour or so"

"Jesus, how long was I asleep?" I ask genuinely distressed.

"Like 4 hours, did ya stay up partyin before we picked you up?" Ritz chimes in sarcastically.

"Probably just jetlagged it was quite the adventure to get here to begin with," Soren as always comes to my defence, if she wasn't aromantic I'd be convinced she's trying to flirt.

"Still I'm really excited, this is my first time out of the country and by the way you too talk about this place, I think we're gonna have a great time" I say excitedly.

"You have no idea" Ritz says in a way that leaves me mildly concerned, but before I could respond or think to hard about what he meant Soren speaks again.

"By the way Y/N, what where you dremin about, you seemed really like freaked out or somthin?"

My mind once again runs over the dream, yeah I was freaked out but felt odly calm at the same time ... "I'm not sure really, I think I was in the woods being chased or something, oh and I saw some guy. Not gonna lie he was kinda scary but like also kind hot" the last part came out before I even registered what I'd said.

"Fuckin weirdo" Ritz said laughing slightly.

"Gasp" I say dramatically placing my hand in my heart "how dare you, I thought we where homies" the three of us begin laughing and spend the last hour of or train ride talking and laughing at dumb shit, but the whole time my mind kept coming back to the guy from the dream, where had I seen him before surely I'd remember someone like that...

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