{9} Straightforward Conversation

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I take a deep breath, considering my options. I realize that Karl likely wasn't exaggerating in his warning so I turn to face the dining room I was in earlier and begin searchin for Angie.


It doesnt take long to find her, as she sat giggling under the dining room table her little white dress a sharp contrast to the dark wooden floors.

We spend the next hour or so taking turns hiding around the house, I dont dare to leave the ground floor so I'm pretty easy to find. Thankfully Angie abides by the unspoken rule and stays on the ground floor aswell. Though she, at times, was still incredibly difficult to find and Donna was no wear to be seen.

Thankfully our game did not last forever, as I was found for the last time I was greeted by not only Angie but Donna aswell.

"Lunch is ready." Donna says kindly, gesturing for me to follow her and Angie back to the dining room. As we enter the room I see that the table is covered in delicious looking food with a striped table cloth, resembling a picnic blanket.

We take our seats and begin eating in almost deafening silence. I'm in the middle of a sandwich when Angie suddenly speaks, "Do you like Karl?".

Her question takes me off guard almost making me choke on the sandwich. I manage to get the food down without dying before answering the question ... with another question and changing the subject, "So Donna, did you make all this food, its quite delicious." as expected she doesn't answer. In fact I notice then that Donna wasn't eating at all instead she was reading a book who's cover I could not see.

Angie seems to take offense to me ignoring her and speaks again this time sounding slightly angry and standing in her seat "Y/N! I asked a question. Do you like Karl."

"He- he kidnapped me Angie, we aren't exactly on the fast track to marriage or anything. " I hear a small chuckle from Donna as Angie mumbles to herself and settles back into her seat.

The rest of the day plays out in roughly the same way, I get a small tour of the house where in I attempt to make conversation with Donna who I quickly learn isn't much of a talker. Angie on the other hand, after our tour we played a few (painfully long) games of hide and seek, Angie usually won and would make her victory a grand event. It was fun if not a bit off putting.

All day however I continued to think of Karl, I was right about what I had said, I think. I mean I can admit his snarky and charismatic personality is by itself quite attractive, not to mention the fact that he is actually pretty attractive, but couple that with the fact that he FUCKING KIDNAPPED ME FOR TRYING NOT TO BE MURDERED. Yeah put together, not exactly someone to bring home to the folks...

The three of us eat dinner in relative silence, the only thing to bbe heard was music coming from an old looking radio Donna brought in as we all sat to eat. It wasn't until dinner that Donna removed her veil and I got to see her face, and oh, oh gods she's really pretty. I mean she only sort of moved her veil to the side as she ate only showing half of her face but still beautiful.

I fall back out of my thoughts after finding myself starring for a bit too long.

After dinner Donna quietly guides me down a flight of stairs and through a small kitchen into a small bedroom. It's a nice room with a bed on one side and a wardrobe on the other and a nightstand in either side of the bed. "Oh, " Donna says suddenly as though she's just remembered something, "Karl gave me something to give to you, I'll be right back. " with that she turned and left the room closing, but not locking, the door behind her.

I fall softly onto the bed, though apparently rough enough to cause my abdomen to ache slightly. The wound is in no way healed but it hurts significantly less than it did.

I lay back onto the bed and stare at the ceiling my mind wandering aimlessly like a child in a supermarket. Eventually though one topic seemed to have a firm hold of my subconscious, or rather one question, 'Why am I still alive?'

Clearly the consensus brought about from my captors was for me to perish for my apparent wrong doings, so why, I ask, am I still alive.

I don't have much time to think much about this before the door slowly creaks open, Donna poking her head in. "I do hope I'm not intruding, but I've got Karl's gif- I mean, uhm here. ", she abruptly hands me a small box and leaves, once again closing but not locking the door. I listen to her footsteps fade away, rather quickly if I may add.

"So it's a gift then, interesting... " I say quietly to myself inspecting the tiny parcel I've been handed. I see that the box is wooden with a simple lid on top, a jewelry box if I had to guess. 'Oh dear... ' I find myself thinking, wondering for what reason that man could have had to give me jewelry of any sort.

I decide it just open it to quell my curiosity and go to bed. I push up on the little hinge top, opening the box. The inside is lined with a a nice looking fabric and a cushion at the bottom supporting the "gift". The gift in question is a necklace, a black cord with a medallion is no bigger than a silver dollar. I remove the necklace from the box taking a closer look at the medallion. It's round and is ornately ingraved with some kind of crest, with a horseshoe around the head of a stallion.

I notice then, that there was a small price of paper tucked under the necklace. I unfold the note and in very rushed but still neat looking handwriting the simple phrase "Welcome to the family. " is written.

"Well, shit" I say setting the note and box on the nightstand closest to me, and standing and shutting off the light, before once more flopping back onto the bed.

I pull the blanket over my, apparently, cold body realizing I was still holding the necklace I raise it to get one last look at the delicate engraving before pulling it over my head and around my neck. "What the fuck is going on" I ask myself quietly before finially falling asleep.

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Well... It sure has been a while. I just wanna say I'm so so so sorry for the wait, I recently went off my antidepressants do to not being able to get them refilled and I simply haven't felt like doing anything.

I am really happy to be working on this again however, I have so many ideas for this fic and I really hope I can make y'all happy by finishing it, even if only a few people stick around till then I will still be infinitely gratefull💗

Question of the day: If you could take 3 fictional characters to an amusement park, who would you take and why?

I would take Tyrian Callows (rwby) cause I wanna see him stab someone, not really I'd take him cause I just think he's neat. Ibuki Mioda (danganronpa, cause I feel like we'd get along really well. And last but not least Eridan Ampora (homestuck) cause he's rich and can buy me stuff and just cause I'm lowkey in love with him.

Peace sluts, stay simpin✌

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