{3} A way out

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Never in my life have I been more afraid to open my eyes. I wish for nothing more than for the events of tonight to have been a dream. I slowly open my eyes and a shiver runs down my body, it would seem like my one and only wish would not be coming true.

I sit up slowly, partially in fear of making noise, and partially do to the ever present pain in my abdomen.
I rest my weight on my arm holding me up I look around the room.

It's pretty dark, the only light comes from a lamp on the table next to the bed. The room itself is relatively small and empty, with the bed, nightstand, a dresser across the room, and the door about ten feet away.

I begin thinking about the situation and the things the man told me, what did he have planned for me? My mind begins racing planning my next move, all I can think is "Escape".

I toss the blanket off me and move to the edge of the bed. Throwing my legs off the side, I take a deep breath to ready myself, before placing my feet on the floor and using the bed to steady myself before I make my way to the dresser, hoping to find something to aide me in my escape.

I make it to the dresser and open the first drawer, empty aside from some old clothes. The next three drawers are the same. Finally I get to the last and smallest drawer, it squeaks as I open it making me shake in fear of the man or someone else hearing me.

I look in and find miscellaneous junk including an ornate letter opener, perfect. Just as I close the drawer I hear heavy footsteps approaching the door.

I as quickly as possible make my way hobbling back to the bed, all the while constructing a plan of action. I make it back into bed laying as close as I can to how I was when I awoke and pulling the blanket over me. Just as I close my eyes I hear the door open.

My heart begins racing as footsteps approach me, stopping next to the bed. For a moment it is still and silent, before I feel the bed dip under someone's weight and a hand being placed gently on my head as thought they are checking my temperature.

My body tenses and I pray they cant see my breathing become erratic. The hand moves and I hear someone begin fiddling with a bag or box full of things. At that moment I put my plan into action, in one moment I throw off the blanket and, using the letter opener like a dagger stab at the man. Just before it makes contact with his neck, my arm stops as though the letter opener is being held in place by some unseen force.

I release my impromptu weapon and it stays suspended centimeters away from his throat, even more distressing is the fact that even with my attempt at his life the man isnt even acknowledging me. 

I attempt to get passed him but just as I'm about to make it off the bed he grabs my arm and pulls me onto his lap and puts his arm around my waist causing me to squeal in pain and try and escape his grasp. I try and push his arm off of me and wiggle free but he doesnt budge, instead he pulls my back against his chest. He speaks and the feeling of his breath against my neck makes me shiver, he smells of smoke and oil but its odly comforting "Dont move so much you'll reopen your stitches, that'll be two days of healing down the drain".

I freeze at his words, "t- what do you mean two days" I stammer. Theres no way I could have slept for two whole days right, surely not.

"I mean, you've been asleep for two days, and if you dont mind not trying to escape for ten fucking minutes, I need to replace your bandages", With that he releases me and I fall softly onto the bed.

I begrudgingly sit up and turn to him, taking a genuine look at him for the first time since our meeting in the woods I notice a few things, one he has a resting bitch face, two I dont know his name, and three he has a strong but verry gentle aura about him.

Hes riffling through a small leather bag that seems to be a makeshift first aid kit, and he pulls out gauze, scissors and more old cloth. He turns to me and I lift my tattered sweater just above the wound.

I watch as he unties the old bandage now slightly red with blood, he puts the cloth to the side and slowly unwraps the gauze making me wince as some of it catches the stitches.

In a few minutes he finishes replacing the bandages, collects his things and begins to leave, stopping at the door and turning to me. "You should change out of those clothes you smell like blood, there should be something that fits in the dresser."

Just as he turns to leave I speak, "wait a minute, I just realized I dont even know you're name, I figure I should know the name of the guy who kidnapped me," I didnt mean to say the last part but I'm not exactly in the wrong for saying as much.

"Karl, Karl Heisenberg. And you" he says, only half turning towards me.

"Y/N L/N, one more thing" he turns fully to me looking slightly agitated, "what's this big plan for me you keep talking about?" I ask almost scared for the answer.

"You'll see" is all he said before leaving and closing the door behind him, I hear what I think is the door locking and I sit for a moment just thinking about the whole situation.

"This is fucking crazy" I whisper to myself pulling my knees to my chest and begin rocking slightly, I start humming to myself quietly trying to keep myself from having a full blown panic attack.

After a few minutes I've calmed myself down and I slowly get up and make my way to the dresser yet again. I sift through the drawers looking for anything that may fit me. While letting my mind wander I start thinking of my friends, 'two days, I've been gone for two days, they'll be looking for me by now, surely'.

I find an old button down shirt that's a size or two to big and a pair of shorts that are a bit short for my tastes but otherwise are just my size.

I start changing by slowly removing my sweater since I know it'll be the hardest to do, and I was right, as I pull it over my head my stomach seizes in pain making me almost double over. I manage to get it off and as I put it on the dresser and reach for the new shirt I realise that the bottom front portion of my sweater is missing, it must have been torn off when the beast clawed me.

It takes me longer than I would have liked to get fully changed but eventually I manage. It's only in the lighter clothes do I realise how hot it is in this place it's like the walls themselves radiate heat.

In a stroke of courage I make my way to the door, leaning on the wall for support every so often. I make it and try the handle and to my surprise the door is unlocked

I slowly push it open and step out into the hallway...

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That took alot outta me if I'm bein honest. I apologize for any spelling mistakes or if I missed a word, please leave a comment if you see something like that it's really appreciated.

Question of the day~ What's your favorite couple dynamic / fanfic trope?

Personally I love enemies to lovers, captor / captive (clearly), and the personification of evil / the personification of owo.

Peace sluts, stay simpin ✌

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