{6} Doll house

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I cant be the only one who sees this situation as completely fucking insane, atleasy that's what I'd say if I wasn't the only GOD DAMN PERSON IN THIS FUCKING SITUATION.

I'll be the first to admit that my captor has a certain, let's say, charm about him. But this this ain't it, you see I woke up this fine morning to a little note on the end of my bed atop a cute little long sleeve white dress, clearly ment for this bulllshit cold weather. There's also thick knee length socks and verry nice walking shoes. The aforementioned note reads:

When ever you finally decide to wake up, up the dress on, were going to see someone.

- K . Heisenberg

My head hurts to much to decide to do anything else so I get off the bed and quickly change. The dress takes me a moment to get on but fits surprisingly well, like its been tailored to fit me. The shoes aswell fit perfectly.

Though I will probably never tell him, I hate the dress. Don't get me wrong it's lovely, and clearly a lot of love was put into it. I'm just more of a shirt and pants type of person. Plus its heavy, my wounds make me weak enough but the weight of this dress is killing me, its definitely for colder weather as well cause the heat of this place is making me feel ill. I hope, though I'm not thrilled about leaving with him, that Karl comes to get me soon.

I flop, as gently as possible, onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling listening to the sounds of the factory. For such a loud place its quite easy to drown it out as I half dissociate.

I'm, like always, to lost in thought to hear the door open, however the approaching foot steps make me shoot up in bed and look towards the door. Unsurprisingly it's Karl, he looks amused at my surprise.

"Well, looks like your awake, took ya long enough." He says sarcastically.

I sigh," You could have just woken me up in the first place, what time is it anyways?" I ask, stretching slightly.

"Its just passed ten AM." He extends a hand, which I take and he helps me up. His hand sill holding mine, he leads me out of the room and into the long winding halls of the factory.

At the slow pace we're moving I finally get a chance to inspect my environment, and my gods its terrifying. At one point we enter an enormous open area with beasts, similar to the one I fought, hanging on a sort of conveyer belt being carried across the factory.

"W-what is going on here?" I ask, gesturing to the beasts and rumbling machinery.

"I'm making an army" he responds a bit to excitedly.

I didn't realise I had slowed down until he tugs my hand pulling me along the confusing halls and paths. Eventually though we make it to the door, as it opens im bombarded with cold and light.

I hadn't noticed how little light I had been getting in the dark factory room. I partially cover my eyes from the harsh light of the sun with me free hand, felling myself sway with dehydration.

I stumble and almost fall to the ground but in a split second he pulls me against him preventing me from hitting the ground.

"That was close, you're still dehydrated huh." He remarks.

"Yeah no shit asshole, I've eaten once since you brought me here,-" he cuts me off as we start walking across the large "yard" surrounding the factory and towards the front gate.

"Don't get yourself in a twist, we'll eat at Donna's." He doesn't look at me as he speaks but he keeps a tender hold on my hand.

"Who's Donna?" I ask quietly and mostly to myself.

"My sister" he says nonchalantly. Great, he kidnaps me and now I 🌌get to meet the family🌌, shouldnt there be at least a first date first?


The rest of the walk goes as one would expect, complete silence, with the occasional me tripping and him waiting till the last second to prevent me from faceplanting.

Though one moment was quite odd, we had just exited the main gates and were in the woods. His hand on mine, he guided me over the nearly invisible path. A bird flying overhead frightened me causing me to instinctually squeeze his hand. I could have sworn i saw him smirk as he grazed his thumb over my hand, continuing our walk like nothing happened.

Other than that, nothing just roughly an hour or so of walking, his hand never left mine though. I'm genuinely surprised I didn't pass out from the full body pain alone let alone the hunger. But as fate would have it, I stayed conscious the entire journey, and eventually we make it to a beautiful house atop a cliff looking over some water.

I would be lying if I said the place is much prettier than I expected, perhaps my perspective on this family had been skewed, though I have nooo idea what could have cause that...

Anyways I'm pulled from my thoughts as we stop infront of the large wooden front doors. Karl raises a fist as if to knock, but just as he is about to do so, the door opens and behind it stands, or rather, coweres a woman.

She's wearing all black and her face is covered in what looks like a mourning veil.

"Hello, Karl." The woman speaks quietly, moving aside and allowing us in. As we enter I look around getting a feel for my new surroundings, its just as lovely inside as out, however every few feet there's a doll, porcelain if I had to guess, either laying on the ground or standing seemingly on its own. Spooky.

I dont get more than a moment to look around the main hall before the woman directs us (which is just her walking away, and Karl following and pulling me along with him) to the dining room, also beautiful but also full of dolls.

"Sit down for a bit Y/N, Donna and I need to talk about something. Oh and I wouldn't even think about running, this place is much more protected than it looks." He winks and with that him and the woman leave the room.

I sit down at the dining table and glance at one of the dolls sitting atop it. Its different, where t he others look to be made of the same porcelain face and general outfit style, this one looks to be made of wood, hook joints, wearing an ornate wedding dress.

With nothing more than childish instincts I reach forward to touch the beautiful doll. But just as I do the motherfucker stands up and looks at me, its little hunge jaw opening, "weellll hellllooooo"

H.O.L.Y .M.O.T.H.E.R.F.U.C.K.I.N.G. .S.H.I.T.B.A.L.L.S.

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Well, I just wanna say I'm sorry for taking so long of a break, I've been going through some things and writing was just something I couldn't prioritize. Buttttt, I have one more day of school so I'll hopefully be able to write alot over the summer.

And oh my gods, thank you all sm for 1k views, that's fucking insane. I literally started this thinking no one would read it cause like have you seen the man your simping over, he is the trash man.

Question of the day: whos your biggest kin or comfort character and why?

Mine is Nepeta from homestuck, she means so much to me and I love cosplaying as her, really makes the gender go brrr. Plus she reminds me way to much of myself in like 6th grade which was the happiest I've ever been<3

Peace sluts, stay simpin✌

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