{4} Search

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As of this morning it's been 24 hours since Y/N went missing with out even so much as a goodbye.

Some time in the night of January 16 we all went to bed, and when Ritz woke up he saw the front door open and Y/N gone. They left all their luggage including their phone and shoes.

We called the police but there wasn't much they could do, there wasn't any footprints in or out of the cabin, not to mention there were no signs of forced entry.

We informed the officer of Y/N's tendency to sleepwalk when stressed and we concluded that's likely what happened since we're to dar away from anything for someone to have taken them and they expressed no interest in running off.

With information shared and theories discussed the officer left, having done all he could. Which left one thing for Ritz and I to do "look for them ourselves".

It didnt take long for us to devise a plan, we would separate the woods surrounding the cabin into 6 sections and on each remaining day of our trip search one section until we find them. So far we've searched only one and are currently heading back to the cabin as the sun sets.

First thing in the morning we'll search the next section praying we'll find something.

We make it back to the cabin and Ritz looks exhausted and angry as he flops onto the couch buns long legs hanging just over the side. I decide not to say anything as I close and lock the front door and make my way to the kitchen not wanting to cook but needing to eat.

I decide to make a simple soup since we're both suffering the effects of the cold mountain weather. I hear Ritz take off his coat and boots and I realise I hadn't so I mimic him, meeting bun at the door to hang my coat and set my boots. I decide now is as good a time as any to say something "Are you alright?" I ask, my voice low, as I try and sound as kind as possible but I know were both pretty shaken from everything.

"Do I look "alright" Soren!?" He slaps away the hand I had attempted to place on his arm, "Our best friend is missing, and probably dead in the middle of fucking no where cause we weren't looking out for them!" He pauses for a moment realizing bun had lost buns temper. "Because I wasn't looking out for them..." he says quietly his voice brittle.

"Its not your fault Ritz, you weren't responsible for them, their an adult and we had no idea this could've happened." I'm trying my best not to sob but I manage.

"You dont get it, I swore to their parents I would keep them safe. We knew about their sleepwalking and how bad it gets in new places. We've known them for years, I should've known, I should've taken their room so it would have been harder for then to wander-"

"Stop!" I snap, no longer able to keeo my composure "We wont accomplish anything if you keep beating yourself up over things none of us could control."

His expression shows bun wasn't expecting me to respond how I did, "whatever, call me when the foods done, I need to smoke" with that he left for his room by bunself. I hear the door close and a small bang, he must have punched the wall in anger.

I let out a sigh, having done all I could. I make my way to the kitchen and continue making dinner.

Soon enough the house smells of soup and... yup weed. I shouldnt be surprised he actually went and smoked, he practically needs it to survive. 

I spoon the soup into two bowls, put a spoon in each and make my way to Ritsbys room. We spend the rest of the night eating and discussing our plan for the next day.


My alarm goes off sooner than I would have enjoyed, but I know I have to get up for Y/Ns sake. They could still be out there counting on us to save them. I roll out of bed and make my way to the kitchen where Soren is already preparing a small breakfast.

"How'd you sleep" I ask tentatively, knowing she's probably not happy about how I acted last night even if we did kind of ignore it while planning today's search.

"I didnt really, to busy thinking of Y/N. I made breakfast though and a small lunch we can take with us so we dont have to waste time coming back to eat." She doesnt look at me while she speaks, just keeps packing our lunch boxes.

I go back to my room and put on actual clothes so that we can eat and leave just as the sun comes up.

After a mostly silent breakfast we head out, the previous night we decided to each search a section by ourselves so that we have a better chance of finding Y/N faster. So as we leave the house we say our goodbyes and go in separate directions.

After only about 30 minutes, even through my coat and thick clothes, I feel the cold.  I shiver and continue walking, searching for any sign of my friend.

Eventually I find myself in a clearing with a single tree in the center. As I approach the tree I see something alarming, a large bloodstain in the white snow. I pitty the poor thing that was killed there, I cant imagine a wound of that size being a painless death.

The sound of movement pulls me from my thoughts. I turn expecting an animal, but instead I see only a man about 1/2 a foot shorter than me, in a kind of trench coat and (in my opinion) really dumb glasses.

"Uh, good morning" I say hesitantly doing a half wave, I dont believe the man had noticed me until I spoke because the expression on his face was somewhat startled. "Oh sorry, I didnt mean to scare you, infact I'm looking for someone, my friend went missing yesterday, is there any chance you've seen them, their about this tall," I gesture to roughly Y/Ns height "they've got h/l, h/c hair and e/c eyes. I think they where in a sweater and pajama pants when they went missing, sound familiar?" I looked at him for a moment waiting for a response and trying to read his expression.

Finally though he spoke, " No. Never seen someone like that," with that the man kept walking deeper into the woods. Weirdo.

I look around the clearing for a moment before spotting something, a small scrap of woven fabric. I emediently recognize the fabric, and call Soren.

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Sorry abt not posting yesterday I wasn't sure if this was any good but I'll have another chapter posted later tonight to make up for it.

Peace sluts, stay simpin✌

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