{2} Judgment

806 41 6

Terror, I believe that's the word I can use to describe how I currently feel. My body is aching, the feeling in my fingers and toes returned but the wound in my abdomen remains and the pain hasn't changed. I want nothing more than to be in my bed, safe and warm, instead I'm on the floor of an enormous room, with my hands shackled while some people argue about what to do with me.

A verry tall woman seems pretty keen on having me but the man from the woods is having none of what she has to say. The other three people in the room sit silently watching them. I shift my weight and the shackles on my wrists clank together, causing all attention in the room to turn on me.

"Great, the man thing is awake, now he's going to go stale before we even leave, could we hurry this up Mother Miranda?" The tall woman remarks.

"Oh sure, take the guy that killed MY lychan! I say give him to me, eye for an eye!" The man responds, clearly getting fed up with the situation.

Suddenly a woman in a cloak with some kind of halo, speaks, raising her arm slightly as if directing attention to her, "I have made my decision," she pauses but only for a moment before turning to the man, "Heisenberg, the outsiders fate is in your hands."

The man looks happy to have gotten his way but the tall woman seems verry pissed off.

In a moment of unfiltered courage I speak without thinking "What the hell is going on?" I ask anger lining my words. The man turns to me I cant read his expression at all (gonna blame that one on ✨bloodloss✨).

"So you do speak" he says, it's only then I realise hes been clutching a large hammer seemingly made of an engine, "dont worry kid, you're in good hands." Like before scraps of flying metal encase my body the pain is unbearable especially in my stomach, the wound which had slowed in bleeding once again began dripping blood.

I'm barely clinging to consciousness as I feel my body as well as the mass of metal surrounding me begin to float. I can hardly make out the words but I hear the tall woman speak something about being disappointed their wasn't a show, the man responds with something about a plan.


Time seems to pass rather quickly, and before I know it the metal disperses and I'm dropped to the ground, only about a foot or two fall but it still hurts like hell. I try and look around to assess my situation but my head is spinning and my vision is fuzzy, the bloodless is really getting to me. 

I feel myself being lifted once more, but this time instead of cold unforgiving metal encasing me, I feel safe and protected as two strong arms lift me of the ground bridal style.

My vision clears up slightly and I see who is holding me, the man from the woods, I think the woman with the halo called him Heisenberg, his last name I assume. With my body pressed against his, he begins walking looking forward paying no mind to me.

In a few moments I'm set down once again, though instead of being dropped violently on the ground I'm gently set ontop of a cold metal table which creeks slightly under my weight.

Overwhelmed with emotions, I decide to speak, though I'm weak from my injuries and my voice is shaking "what- what the hell is going on?" I shiver but I dont know if I'm actually cold.

The man has already moved out of my view but I can hear I'm messing with something just out of sight. He doesnt respond for a moment and at first I think he didnt hear me and I'm about to repeat it when he replies "First I'm going to patch up that little injury of yours, and after that I'll show you what happens to outsiders who break my property". I dont like how he said any of that but I try my best no to show any signs of fear or discomfort. Though I am in a way glad he's planning on doing something about my injury, I feel like if he doesnt kill me the pain certainly will.

Stay With Me [Heisenberg x reader]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα