{7} And then there was one

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You would think that finding a peice of your missing friends bloody sweater in the woods would make the police want to help at least a bit more, yeah well you'd be so wrong.

Let's recap, I called Soren after finding the sweater bit and we met up and searched the rest of that section before heading back to the cabin and calling the police again. They said the most they can do is send some rangers out to do body recovery, but if I'm being hones I don't think Y/N us dead.

I just have a feeling in my gut telling me to keep looking, and I think that guy I met near the sweater bit knows something he didn't tell me.

I called Y/N's parents and, as expected they where still utterly inconsolable, they wanted to come up her and look for Y/N themselves but I informed them of what the police had told me about that, that being the fact that it'd be a bad idea, it's far to easy for someone to get lost out here. Soren and I only barely manage because of all the time we spent up here as kids.

That night I couldn't sleep, I kept getting the feeling I was being watched from the window, I should probably stop smoking before bed, it's beginning to make me paranoid.


Today marks day three that Y/N has been missing and after finding the sweater peice in the woods Soren has seemed kind of discouraged about finding them. But I know their not dead, their strong and all we know is they tore their sweater, maybe they found help but haven't had access to a phone or something to let us know their ok.

I catch myself staring at the ceiling while my alarm screams, instead of getting up. So reluctantly I stretch my tired body and roll out of bed. I quickly throw on some clothes and make my way out of the room.

I expect to see Soren in the kitchen or on the couch already up and waiting to scold me for not getting up as soon as my alarm went off. But she's nowhere to be found. Maybe she's still in bed.

I shuffle back down the hall way still sleepy, past my room to hers. I pause outside the door hesitant to knock, we had a small argument about Y/N last night at dinner, Soren started sounding like sober me, saying things like "their dead" and "we should give up". Maybe she's right but even so I need answers.

I lift my hand and gently knock on the door... no answer. I knock a bit louder "Soren, are you awake?" Still nothing.

I slowly open the door, I cringe slightly as the door creaks open loudly knowing if she was asleep that would surely wake her.

"Soren-" I cut myself off as I notice she's not in the bed...

{}495 words{}

Ah, shortest chapter yet and I still have no idea what I'm doing, I'm used to only writing oneshots, so working on this as an ongoing fic has really been a learning experience.

Question of the day: How would you guys feel about me adding oneshots like in-between chapters since I have no where else to post any oneshots I'd like to make of Heisenberg? Keep in mind they'll likely be mostly smut cause yeah but a good few will be fluff and generally just situations to cure the depression all Heisenberg simps have. Also if you'd be interested in a Donna x reader that may be in the works soon 😜.

Next chapter will be out real soon so look out 4 that ig.

Peace sluts, stay simpin✌

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