Snippet 7

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Inspiration: Dear Theodosia (Reprise) - Hamilton

Sarada simply can't accept.

Time setting: A few days after Sakura's death.


Sunday night, we see a raven haired male slowly place a newborn in his crib. He released a sigh as he unconsciously reached for the small strand of pink in his head.

It was small, but its exotic color stood out, just like she did.

And he hears the door open.

There stood his daughter, Sarada. Her face was unreadable, to his surprise.


He turned his body towards he, silently telling that she got his attention.

"When is mama coming home?"

Sasuke winced.

Sarada has still yet to accept the fact that she's gone. Could he blame her? No, never. She of all people had the closest bond with Sarada, she was the one who rasied her.

"Sarada..." 'How to say to you?'

"Your mother, she-" his throat constricted, because even he himself couldn't process the recent events.

Sucking up his grief, he looks at his daughter again. "She's gone."

"No she's not..." she mumbles. "She's at the hospital-"

"Her last word was your name."

Sarada stumbled back, unable to comprehend what she just heard.


"She thought of you last." Sasuke felt his legs buckle, and just like that, he fell on his knees.


I haven't made a snippet with Sarada and I think it's time that I do-

Now if you could just listen to this song and imagine it in Sasuke's POV :')

Will I make a video of this with the song? Most definitely, but not now 😉

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