Snippet 8

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Sasuke seeks comfort to his wife but different.


'Cold.' was Sasuke's first thought.

It doesn't matter, he thinks. He proceeds to tighten his grip.

It was silent for awhile, and then a voice was heard.


'Still the same.' Of course it is, what did he expect? He tried to detect any scent of vanilla but only got the smell of soil, he internally cursed.

He was stupid to think like that, then he felt hands on his chest, slightly pushing him away.

He saw the face he missed so much, but it just wasn't the same.

Seafom green surrounded by black sclera stared at him, her once soft features now filled with lines, similar to cracks.

Everything looks different, but her way of showing expression was just as clear as the night sky in the forest.

"What did I tell you about performing Edo Tensei?"

"To not do it..."

"And what did you do?"

"Performed it..."

Sakura released a sigh, "Who's the victim?"

"No one." He mumbled, confusion was evident on her voice as she asked.

"Then how were you-"

"I was able to find an alternative by using animals as sacrifices instead." His stance relaxed when her eyes soften.

"I see." she replied.

And just like that, she hugged him.

"I missed you so much, how is Sarada and Sachirou?"

"Sarada became hokage." He softly smiled at his wife's giddy expression.

"Really? I'm so glad!" She clapped her hands. "And my son?"

"He..." He looks at his wife's eyes, full anticipation.

"He's planning to be a medical ninja."

This caught Sakura by surprise. "He...medical ninja?", and by the look of her husband's face, it gave all the answer she needed.

She snatched both his hands (that didn't go unnoticed when he hugged her.) And placed them on her cheeks.

"You raised them well, Sasuke-kun."

Sakura embraced him and hummed soft melodies as her husband wept.


Inspiration: That oneshot I saw at tumblr back then, i'll see if I can find it :D

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