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"Save your strength and stay alive, tsuma."

"It hurts, anata..."

"Shh, you'll survive. I know you can."

For a long moment, they listen to Sakura's heart monitor.

Sasuke takes a deep breath.

"Sing along with me." he murmurs, placing soft kisses on her cold hand.

Sakura smiles, "Alright."


🍅: Un deux trois quatre Cinq six sept huit neuf.
🌸: Un deux trois quatre Cinq six sept huit neuf.

Sasuke smiles, "Good."

🍅: Un deux trois quatre Cinq six sept-
🌸: Un deux trois...
🍅: -huit neuf...

A pause.

🍅: Sept huit neuf...

A long beep.



Inspiration: Stay Alive (Reprise) - Hamilton. & Sasuke's quote bot saying "I need you." in twitter lol

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