Chapter 2: An Uneasy Peace

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Just a picture of the town hall so you have some idea what I'm describing.
side note: why do photos of the town hall literally never show the top!?!?

----| Xisuma's POV |----

Xisuma was chatting with Bdubs when he saw Grian swoop in from above, Mumbo following behind. Grian was soaring, diving, and laughing in the sunshine, and Xisuma couldn't help but smile at the sight of the happy gremlin.

Grian swooped downwards and landed atop the spire of the town hall, wings spread wide.

Mumbo landed next to Xisuma and Bdubs, who were below the town hall, leaning against the diamond trees and watching Grian.

"How is he doing that?" Mumbo asked.

"I don't question," Bdubs replied. "Hey, let's go on top of the roof so we can ask him."

Xisuma launched expertly into the air with Bdubs following behind. Mumbo trailed after them after a bit of fumbling with his fireworks. The three landed atop the roof of the town hall.

"How are you doing that?" Mumbo yelled up to Grian.

"Doing what?" Grian leaped off of the spire, did a loop in the air, then flew through the open balcony before landing back on the lower part of the spire and sitting on the edge, looking down at them.

Mumbo simply sighed and shook his head. Xisuma watched in amusement.

"What are you two up to on this fine day?" asked Bdubs.

"Can't tell you that," Grian replied before Mumbo could answer.

Xisuma chuckled. "So, in other words, pranking people."

"Wherever did you get that idea? I never said anything of the sort," Grian said indignantly.

"Whatever you say, Gee-Arr-Ian," Xisuma said before hopping off the town hall and fireworking off.

"Bye, Ex-eye-suma!" he heard Grian yell as he sped off.

Xisuma spent the afternoon tidying up and doing a few odd jobs around the server before ending up back in the shopping district. Cheerily strolling down the street, he didn't notice the tripwire until it was too late.

He heard the unmistakable click of the wire triggering, then the floor fell out from beneath his feet. Xisuma cursed and saw Grian hovering above the hole as he fell.

"Language, Ex-eye-suma!" the gremlin laughed.

"Oh, I'm gonna get you for this," Xisuma told him before twisting, and pulling out a bed. He placed it as fast as he could, breathing a sigh of relief as he hit it and bounced into the air. 

Grian's surprise was evident as he flew down to land next to Xisuma. Xisuma grinned in satisfaction. Beds reducing fall damage was a little-known fact, but a useful one. It had the added benefit of astonishing those around you.

"How'd you do that?" Grian asked in amazement.

"That's what we call a pro-gamer move," Xisuma chuckled and rocketed out of the pit, leaving the surprised gremlin behind.

Xisuma smiled at the trick he'd just pulled. He wasn't usually one for jokes, but the opportunity had been perfect.

As he was entering the Nether to head to his base, Xisuma saw Mumbo run up to him. He stepped out of the portal to greet the redstoner.

"Hey Mumbo, did you need somthing?" Xisuma asked.

"No, not really, just- I can't help but feel like something's going to go wrong soon. We've had so much happen lately, I can't quite believe that everything will just go back to normal," Mumbo confessed.

"I'm sure it's just because of what's happened, everything will be fine," Xisuma reassured Mumbo.

"A-alight I guess. Thanks, X," Mumbo said, flying off again. 

Xisuma was worried. Mumbo could be right. Whatever the Watchers had been doing, it seemed like they had a plan, and that plan could easily involve the hermits again...

He shook off the worries for now, but didn't forget them as he went about his projects.

----| End Notes |----

Sorry for the short chapter, one I wanted to write this scene, two i feel like this book is gonna be the hardest to write, and three I'm really enjoying writing my HC Hunger Games book instead of this one (sry). but don't worry, we'll get into it soon.

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