Chapter 17: The Last Incident

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The world went still as the bolt hit Grian.

Tense anticipation seemed to fill the air. There was absolute silence, not a distant trace of wind. Then the agonized screeching of the bird filled the air.

Several hermits rushed forward instinctively, completely forgetting anything else. They were pushed back by a wave of force that knocked the others away and engulfed the bird in black mist; the same black mist Kyle had evaporated into.

Once again, the world fell silent as the mist dispersed to reveal Grian laying motionless on the ground, human once more.

Xisuma reached Grian first, heart dropping as he saw Grian's body.

Scar and Mumbo, who were behind Xisuma, stopped dead when they reached him.

Mumbo let out a wail of pure grief.

Scar dropped to the ground in tears.

The others gathered around in disbelief.

Cleo screamed in rage. She dove into the open diamond throne and down into the Watchers' headquarters, where she found a portal to the End. It took her to the Watchers' city, where she rampaged through the towers, smiting any Watcher who dared exist in blind anger.

False swooped after her and followed Cleo through the halls, massacring any Watchers who escaped the zombie.

Back in the town hall, Iskall dropped to his knees beside Grian. "No! No, no, no, no no!"

"This can't be real, this isn't real, it's a dream, this isn't real..." Scar mumbled, convincing nobody, not even himself.

For several hours, the only life on the server was the agonized and grief-stricken screams, yells, and tears of the twenty-one remaining hermits.

Cleo and False emerged from the portal covered in bits of shadow and purple blood.

"They're dead," Cleo hissed. "Every. Last. One"

Scar glanced up to see False and Cleo, but was shocked by the purple energy swirling around them. He stopped trembling on the floor long enough to remember his crystals.

Would it even work?

It was worth a try.

He pulled out a green crystal.

Green. The color of health and safety.

Safety we couldn't give him, Scar thought bitterly.

He dug into his bag and pulled out as many green crystals as he had; he ended up with ten.

He pulled the magic out of one of the crystals and forced it towards Grian's faint, fading energy.

As expected, it did nothing.

Scar lowered his head. It was hopeless. He was... no, Scar couldn't even think it.

Then, he glanced at False and Cleo. Purple energy sparked off of them. Scar experimentally pulled some of it away from them and pushed it towards Grian.

It instantly linked to him and got brighter. Scar pushed another green crystal's energy towards it, and it grew even brighter. Grian's aura started getting brighter and warmer. 

Scar quickly pulled all of the crystals' magic away from them and onto Grian.

And Grian started breathing again.

Mumbo, who had been crying next to Grian for hours, looked at Scar incredulously.

"You... Scar... I-" Mumbo stammered. "Grian?"

Grian didn't reply, but his shaky breathing steadied. It was still raspy, and he was injured, but he was alive.

Scar wasn't sure what would happen because of his use of the Watcher magic, or what it meant, but that didn't matter right now.

"Well quit gaping and let me though!" Stress demanded, pushing aside the crowd who was staring at Scar. She picked Grian up. "'E still needs healing!"

She walked off to the medical building built previously and didn't wait for them to follow.

They did anyways, of course.

"Disperse, disperse!" Cleo shouted. "Stress doesn't need you watching her every move!"

Most of the assembled crowd dissipated, but Xisuma, Mumbo, Iskall, and Scar refused to leave. Cleo let them stay on the condition that they were quiet and didn't disrupt Stress- and Joe, who'd come to help.

"Thank you, Scar," Mumbo said, turning to him. "I- thank you."

"He's not healed yet," Scar said dismally. "And there's no guarantee he'll- make it," Scar choked out.

"You gave him a chance," Mumbo pointed out. "And don't think like that, please."

Scar nodded. Nothing could shake the feeling that everything was going to go wrong.

But they could hope.

Did the fakeout get you? (I will confirm that Scar is just in shock and Grian will live next chapter)
Also, i hope you're ALL pleased, because I both had a major character die and didn't :)

AND Cleo and False have now destroyed any further book possibilities! And gotten revenge for you ;)

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