Chapter 5: Meetings

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TW: swear word (i mean, it's super minor, it's just WTH but fully typed out)

(xisuma's watch is basically like a Apple Watch in case you're confused)

Xisuma felt his watch buzz and drifted down to the ground automatically as he checked it. There was a message from Mumbo.

Mumbo whispers to you: Did you come last night? I don't remember getting into bed and I messaged you.

Xisuma chuckled before replying.

You whisper to Mumbo: yes lol, you two were cute together ;)
Mumbo whispers to you: oh shut up
You whisper to Mumbo: you know he likes you... 
Mumbo whispers to you: not in that way!
You whisper to Mumbo: i have photos
Mumbo whispers to you: no, you wouldn't
You whisper to Mumbo: no, i wouldn't. anyway, why was g at your base last night? 
Mumbo whispers to you: he was super panicked, he said he saw a watcher and he wouldn't calm down.
You whisper to Mumbo: well that might be related to the disappearances lately, i think it's time to call a meeting.

Xisuma frowned. Watchers here in the Overworld? Why had they left the End? It couldn't be good. Especially with all these disappearances... Could the Watchers be involved?

<Xisuma> Announcement: Server-Wide Meeting at the Town Hall. Time: ASAP. Attendance Required, No Exceptions.
<Xisuma> This is about the disappearances, so you'll want to come anyway.
<Renthedog> how soon is asap?
<Xisuma> Right now.
<Renthedog> ok then
Bdouble0100 blew up.
TangoTek blew up.
ImpulseSV blew up.
<ZombieCleo> !!!
<ImpulseSV> all good, just normal boomer stuff. we'll be there
<Bdouble0100> do we have to be?
<TangoTek> we'll be there, and bdubs will be coming too, no matter what he says.
<Falsesymmetry> I'll be there, anyone you need me to drag along?
<Xisuma> I think we're good, False, but thank you.
<Falsesymmetry> k then.

Xisuma smiled- the hermits never failed to make him laugh at their antics. He headed to the town hall and found sevin hermits already there; Cleo, False, Doc, Wels, Keralis, Ren, and Scar. 

He landed next to Cleo. "Hello."

"Hi X," Cleo said. She seemed withdrawn, not her usual threatening self. 

"Something wrong?" Xisuma asked, concerned.

"No, everything's great except for the fact that my best friend and half the hermits are missing," Cleo snapped sarcastically.

"Hopefully we can fix that," Xisuma said.

"Yeah, hopefully," Cleo replied before turning away and refusing to say any more.

Xisuma walked over to where Scar was sitting among the flowers, petting a sleeping Jellie.

"Hi Xisuma," Scar greeted him. Even cheerful Scar was tired and worried; a sign that things were bad on Hermitcraft.

"How are you?" Xisuma inquired hesitantly.

"Fine. I've gotten a lot done on my base lately, but it's not for a good reason, it's just because I'm worried about Cub and building helps me deal with the stress," Scar replied. Jellie stood up and shook herself.

"I hope we can get Cub and the others back from wherever they are. I'm going to everything I can to try, anyway," Xisuma told him.

"Thank you X. I believe you can do it, you can do anything," Scar seemed to cheer up at the thought. Jellie sat down and stared at Xisuma.

Xisuma hoped he could find them. Scar seemed to believe he could, and he didn't want to let Scar down. 

Suddenly, there was a loud boom and everyone jumped. Jellie ran off and hid among the bushes. Xisuma turned to look at the source of the noise.

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